Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (2024)

ByScene Staffon Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 1:49 pm

Ariel Travis and his uncle Dan Shain are no strangers to unusual adventures, but after realizing their dream of walking across a frozen Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada may never come to fruition (thanks, climate change!), the duo strapped into a $250, used 16-foot canoe and made their trek in a slightly different form earlier this week.Armed with supplies including a cooler stocked withnectarines, energy bars, peanut butter sandwiches and a rice and beans dish specially made by Travis' very worried mother, who was certain the duo were going to starve, the two men canoed approximately 40 miles over the course of two days before arriving on the shores ofColchester, Ontario."In terms of using the bathroom, we mostly took care of business on the islands where we camped or stopped," Travis tells Scene. "Though Dan came up with an fairly effective technique for on-boat necessities."What that effective technique was, we shall never know.Normally, the trip across Lake Erie is only about 30 miles, but the two needed to zig-zag to combat strong winds and choppy waves up to 8-to-10 feet tall. The two regularly took on water, but were fortunately able to bail it out with an old yogurt container packed by Shain."The waves made it feel we were riding a roller-coaster. At night, the turbulence became even spookier," says Travis. "Luckily, we had attached some homemade outriggers to the canoe — without these, we never would have made the crossing, not even close."Despite canoeing for two days, Travis noted his surprise that his arms didn't feel too sore, but did say that he and his uncle had sore backs and awful sunburns."My upper legs got so sunburnt that they ballooned and still hurt a lot if I stand straight or walk," he says. "It's a small, and hopefully temporary, price to pay for an amazing adventure."

Ariel Travis and his uncle Dan Shain are no strangers to unusual adventures, but after realizing their dream of walking across a frozen Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada may never come to fruition (thanks, climate change!), the duo strapped into a $250, used 16-foot canoe and made their trek in a slightly different form earlier this week.

Armed with supplies including a cooler stocked withnectarines, energy bars, peanut butter sandwiches and a rice and beans dish specially made by Travis' very worried mother, who was certain the duo were going to starve, the two men canoed approximately 40 miles over the course of two days before arriving on the shores ofColchester, Ontario.

"In terms of using the bathroom, we mostly took care of business on the islands where we camped or stopped," Travis tells Scene. "Though Dan came up with an fairly effective technique for on-boat necessities."

What that effective technique was, we shall never know.

Normally, the trip across Lake Erie is only about 30 miles, but the two needed to zig-zag to combat strong winds and choppy waves up to 8-to-10 feet tall. The two regularly took on water, but were fortunately able to bail it out with an old yogurt container packed by Shain.

"The waves made it feel we were riding a roller-coaster. At night, the turbulence became even spookier," says Travis. "Luckily, we had attached some homemade outriggers to the canoe — without these, we never would have made the crossing, not even close."

Despite canoeing for two days, Travis noted his surprise that his arms didn't feel too sore, but did say that he and his uncle had sore backs and awful sunburns.

"My upper legs got so sunburnt that they ballooned and still hurt a lot if I stand straight or walk," he says. "It's a small, and hopefully temporary, price to pay for an amazing adventure."

Photos by Ariel Travis


  • Adventure,
  • Ariel Travis,
  • Canada,
  • Canoeing,
  • Dan Shain,
  • image,
  • Lake Erie,
  • Trip

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Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (1)

Ariel Travis

Ariel Travis and Dan Shain ready to embark on their journey across Lake Erie.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (2)

Ariel Travis

Our two adventurers leaving Cleveland for our neighbors to the north.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (3)

Ariel Travis

Birds. Birds everywhere.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (4)

Ariel Travis

A stunning view from the canoe.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (5)

Ariel Travis

As Ariel Travis told Scene, "Awkward trees held masses of giant birds way too big for their nests, and a continuous cacophony of bird languages arose with our every passing and arrival."

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (6)

Ariel Travis

The canoe proudly displayed both American and Canadian flags.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (7)

Ariel Travis

According to Ariel Travis, "One of the coolest parts of our trip were the birds: a mixture of cormorants, pelicans, herons, egrets, and seagulls. On a few islands in the middle of the Lake, it seemed as if we were in a Dr. Seuss book."

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (8)

Ariel Travis

Dan Shain paddling away.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (9)

Ariel Travis

The two took an overnight stop on Isle Saint George.

Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (10)

Ariel Travis

The canoe doing its best to slice through waves.

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Check Out The Duo Who Canoed Across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada (2024)


What is the distance across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Canada? ›

PORT STANLEY, Ontario – As the seagull flies, it's about 60 miles from Cleveland to Port Stanley, on Lake Erie's north coast. Unfortunately, I'm not a seagull. So I had to drive. It's about 4 ½ hours by car from Northeast Ohio, west past Toledo, across the border in Detroit, and then back east along the north shore.

Can you boat across Lake Erie to Canada? ›

Lawrence Seaway, a popular route with avid sailors. Because Ontario shares the shores of Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario with the U.S., there are several ports from which to cross the border and sail into Canada.

Who walked across Lake Erie? ›

CLEVELAND — In February 1978, the temperature had been below freezing for more than 30 days. So, Dave Voelker decided to walk across Lake Erie alone.

How many miles across Lake Erie to Canada? ›

The Canadian side of Lake Erie

(Well, occasionally, on hot spring days a temperature inversion allows you to see a hazy image of land, 50 miles across the water.)

How to get from Erie to Canada? ›

The best way to get from Erie to Canada is to train which takes 6h 53m and costs $35 - $170. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $13 - $140 and takes 5h 5m.

Is Lake Erie Canada safe to swim in? ›

During the summer months, beaches along Lake Erie are safe to swim in. If the water is unsafe to swim in, Niagara Region Public Health signs will be posted at the entrance of the beach.

How many boats have sunk on Lake Erie? ›

While Lake Erie is the smallest and shallowest of the Great Lakes, she is estimated to have some 1,400 shipwrecks within her waters. The average depth is only 62 feet, with a 210 foot maximum depth on the eastern end.

Who is the oldest person to swim across Lake Erie? ›

Wargo became the first Ohioan, the 16th person overall, and the oldest (55) to make the swim across Lake Erie, according to various records kept by swimmers and the Erie (Pa.) Times-News. He swam the most common route, 24.3 miles from a peninsula known as Long Point, Ontario, to Freeport Beach near Erie, Pa.

Can you see Canada over Lake Erie? ›

But every so often, an inversion occurs, meaning warm air sits above the cool air. In the right conditions, light, radio or TV waves can bounce off the inversion and bounce back toward the ground. The result? You could see directly across the lake from Cleveland to Ontario, Canada.

Do I need a passport to go to Canada by boat? ›

Traveling to Canada by Boat. PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS: As of June 1, 2009, all boaters 16 or older who cross the U.S. border into Canada and touch Canadian soil must carry a U.S. passport or NEXUS card. Children under 16 boating with their parents can travel with an original or copy of their birth certificate.

Is there a ferry from Ohio to Canada? ›

You can travel to Pelee Island by ferry, personal water craft, or plane. The ferry ride lasts approximately 90 minutes from the Canadian mainland and 105 minutes from Sandusky, Ohio.

How deep is Lake Erie? ›

The average depth of Lake Erie is only about 62 feet (210 feet, maximum).

Who was the woman who swam across Lake Erie? ›

Halli Reid is the first woman to swim across Lake Erie, which she completed around August 9, 1993 at the age of 24, swimming from Long Point, Ontario, to Freeport Beach in North East, Pennsylvania, in 17 hours. Around 200 people greeted her as she first came ashore at Freeport Beach.

Who owns most of Lake Erie? ›

Answer and Explanation: Lake Erie is owned by the state of Ohio. This was a dispute that went before the Ohio Supreme Court during 2011. The Justices ruled that the state of Ohio owns the lake and shore up to the highest normal part at high tide.

How far is Cleveland, Ohio to the Canada border? ›

How far is it from Cleveland to Canada? The distance between Cleveland and Canada is 477 km. The road distance is 465.8 km.

What is the longest distance across Lake Erie? ›

The longest route across Lake Erie is 52 km from Presque Isle, Erie, Pennsylvania to the base of Long Point, Ontario.

Can you see Canada from Lake Erie in Ohio? ›

In Northeastern Ohio, there are days when people look out across Lake Erie and see the Canadian shoreline. However, that shoreline is over 50 miles away. It's rare to see it, but the strange phenomenon has an explanation. The curvature of the Earth prevents us from seeing objects that far into the distance.

How much of Lake Erie is in Canada? ›

Lake Erie, 25,700 km2 (including islands), of which 12,800 km2 lie in Canada, elevation 173.3 m; 388 km long, 92 km wide and 64 m deep. The shallowest of the five major Great Lakes (excluding Lake St. Clair), it receives most of its waters from Lake Huron via the Detroit River.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.