Liverpool Daily Post from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

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Liverpool Daily Posti

Liverpool, Merseyside, England

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8 LIVERPOOL POST AND MERCURY SATURDAY AUGUST 27 1932 OF NO DANGER TO SHIPPING TANKS NEW RISING IN BRAZIL NORTHERN SCHOOL CERTIFICATE FORCED LOAN FOR GERMANY STRATEGY RESULTS OF THE JULY EXAMINATION FIRING IN THE STREETS OF THE CAPITAL ALL WAR MINES NOW INNOCUOUS NEW DRASTIC DECREE FORESHADOWED CAPTURE OF ENEMY HEADQUARTERS the the School of the Joint Northern the EX-PRESIDENT GOES OVER TO REBELS ADMIRALTY LETTER EXPLAINED FARM PRODUCE IMPORT LIMITATION ri-on mM Ilowgate mil Kirkman Rotherham Form Up Vb Buys: mW Aider mL Bennett rnC Birciiall mI Edwards II Evans mW Glover mC Gwilliam mW Heaton mW las- nil) Little mil Little mA Walls Wilson Girl-: ml Chcethani mS Davies til on mF liodgki-s Howell niV Preston mM liclde Form Up Vc Boys: mJ Baxendale mW Chisnall Mather mJ Platt Girls: Green llavlin II Hudson mP Taylor I1DTXON Git Form lip mW Atkin-son Bleakley Krindie It Brindie ml) ragg Edwards I' Howard tnD McAllister Norris A Smellie A Threlfall lindsley Walsh 11 Wild By a BUENOS AYRES Friday Brazilian Qovernment aeroplanes to-day bombed the Paulista Aero Liverpool drome at Guaratingueta on the main Janeiro line from Bio de Janeiro to Sao AIGBURTH Bat wise VALE HIGH SCH Bassttdona Form Up Braithwaite Paulo according Rio here from to a report received One aeroplane was mT O'Keefe Itedmnnd Redmond mJ Hogerson mG Rooney mJ Thomas Form 5m inlt Alston A Cannon Casey mB Caul field A Connolly Costello mT IE Giblin mJ Giilick mA McCosker mJ Mills O'Brien Iit-ade mV It Welch A Young Form 5s: Atherton mJ A Barrow I) Morgan mJ I Ingham 11 Jenson mV McGrath mW McKenna mV Reilly Taylor THE OUTPON Form 5a: mA Binnie mil Bird Brien It Buckley mil Chisel-ky rnJ 11 Oollopy A Flewitt mM Golding mA It Horst James A Jones Joyce It Kidd mC A Kovachicli mA 1) Lewis A McCulloch McKenna Mannheim Martin rnJ 41oore A Newton mA Newton Richards 1 Sawle mW Skulniek mJ Stuart I Woodward Young Form 5b: Abbott 11 Alliert mV A Alderson Armstrong Polshaw mR Fallows Farrow Gomlfellow Hanlon Hutchinson A Hyman Jacques Jones Kerr Kirkpatrick McLennan Meyrirk mM Preston Pritchard mM Scott Spiro Ktrettle I) I- Thomnson mK 41 Turner 1) Williams Form 5c: Barsky Crompton A Davies Costing A Johnston mT Morgan mM Rosenthal Preston CATHOLIC COLL Form Va mP Battersby mW A Bleasdale Carroll mE Cooksoti Dewburst mJ Gill mJ Hopkinson Jen-kin-on King mD Law-on mF Middlelmrst mF 4 loon Moxhatn Myerscough Pearson Mater mJ Smalley Walmsley Winders Form Vb: mJ Britt Oillow Gore m3 A Hargreaves tnVV 11 Madden Parker OR Form 5a: mE Bamber mT Bamlwr Braithwaite Bustlehl It Gearing mC Kay mil Kay Maddock 4 Moss mN Nuttall A Ranker Phixackerlev Porter Rimmer Southall mH Southworth mB standing mL Stewart Sutton A Thomas mT Tindsley mC Tragen mG II Treasure Form 5b: mF Bowers Bnsfleld Clarkson mH Farrali Foden Fowler mil Gorst mA 0 Hargreaves It p' Higson A Holt Hoyle Milner Moss mT lteeder Shepherd Simons it Treasure II Wtttkinson 11 Wilding mF Wdkinson mE Worth Yates Form E5 Aikman THE PARK Form Latin: mM Anderkm Atkinson mR Bamber I Bassnett mF Bil-horrow 1) Brown mM Fazaekerley mM Fishwick mK Hall ml) Howard ml) Lucas Marsden 41 Pearson Majorie Piekttp mMinnio Pickup mW A Porter mR Preston rtiO Rhodes mM Rigby I' Robinson mE Sharp mC Swarbriok 1) Watson Wearden Form Science: mB Bam ford Bannister mF Bingham Booth Burdess mM Crow-croft II Dandy Davies Davy niJ Dixon mH Hargreaves mC Heald I Kirkham A A Lewis mF II Martin A Pickles Pomfret Raw mM A Robinson I) Stans-field I) Whittaker A Woods 0 Worthington lorm Vc Gardner Harrison Seed Form Remove: Culpan Hogg W1NCKLEY SQUARE CONVENT SC-Form Va: 41 Ainsworth mM Armour Barnett Braithwaite 41' Cherry Collinson Dundoii Hidden A Horrocks tnW Houghton Maymon mH Molyneux Newsham Olleren-haw 41 A Sumner 4f Turner Form Vb: Eecles Gornall IX Groves Robbins Travis Twist Waterhouse Whittle RAMSEY GR SCH (IO MI Boys: A Canned It Daugherty mK Dearden Gale mJ A Gelling Quayle Sliw ran Girl-: Caley Clayton Corlett I Cregeen Crellin Kinrade RUNCORN COUNTY SEC SCH-Form Boys: mO Coo pel Crooper Dunning mJ Franeis A Haddock IE 1ml Joyce A Kebll Kilburn Kirkham 0 Mattlu 4V Taylor mA Walker Girls: Connell Robinson St Helens destroyed Jn Rio de Janeiro itself a situation of the utmost gravity prevails In one of the main thoroughfares of the city the Avenida Rio Branco Federal troops were obliged to turn machine guns upon the crowds while large numbers of naval officers are reported to have intimated to the Minister of Marine their sympathy with the Sao Paulo rebels Ex-President Joins Rebels Dr Bernardes a former President of the Republic is said to have gone over to the rebels taking with him 5000 men Meanwhile the Minister of Marine in Rio de Janeiro lias officially announced that the Government has stifled the risings in the Obidos and Cercapara districts and the rebels have fled From Porto Alegre it is reported that rebel aeroplanes bombarded the town of Guapira killing three men and wounding eight at the field hospital Press Association Foreign Special BERLIN Friday emergency decrees surpassing any previously issued are expected in Germany next week Details of the decrees have not yet been decided but it is anticipated that the following three measures will be put into force 1 A compulsory loan of from £40000000 to £60000000 for employment purposes 2 Limitation of farm produce imports 3 Reduction of the rate of interest to 4 per cent With regard to the limitation of imports it is believed that a system of quotas will be adopted which will extend the control of the State over foreign trade Such a measure has been demanded by landowners and farmers who are apprehensive of the effects of the trade agreements reached by Great Britain and the Dominions at the Ottawa Conference Tltese it is feared may spoil the markets for German farm and dairy products and would thus necessitate strong protection of German producers even at the price of abandoning the most-favoured-nation principle State Economic Plan Influential economists are continuing a campaign in favour of what is called a State economic and are demanding currency reform and nationalisation of the big banks and key industries The opposition of the Reichsbank and other responsible bodies to 6uch a campaign is strong however and it is considered that the Von Papen Government will compromise between far-reaching reform plans and tiie type of economic individualism expounded by Dr Luther president of the Reichsbank in his speech at Dortmund on Tuesday British United Press Va: Brewer mS Brown 1) Clarkson "mG n-p Davis Denney Digby mC Kindi-M Elliott Fletcher mE Holden 1) Jackson Jennings Meliing 1 Morrir mE I Munro A Paxton mD Radraore ml) Koscoe Round Spencer mJ Walker 1 A Whyte mM ft Wrench Form tip Vb: T-Bibby Mason Oxton Smith mN hitelaw Wilkinson ALSOP HIGH SCH FOR BOYS-Form Up Rem: 'i'i ml) Campbell mil Cooke mH blsbyD Freeman mC Griffiths Gumrnery mD Hadfie mA I) Ilibberd mS Hope mJ Jlllps- IWtell Jamieson mN Jones ml) Kelly in Kinrade mW Eonveake mJ A McCormick mE McKee mL Maddison mW Marsh mR A Peaty mJ Pendleton mE It Pretten niJ Robinson mW itusliworth A Schmuhl nil II Srott mJ Toner Williams n-E R- 'Light mil Wright Form Item ml Ball A Bent Carter Chetter mJ Cntchley Danby mK Eves- mH IE It Grecnbank nils Harrison It Hubbard mJ IE Humphreys John-on raC E- A Jones Jones Kirkpatrick mE Lloyd ruP Lovatt A McFadden mJ Owens Kohmson Scorgie A Skoltan A i Wallis mW Watt It Wensley Worsnop orru Item A Bell Benon Caw-thrpn tn A Chadwick Claydon Dickson A Downs rnC: 1 sherwood Jones It King Patti-on II IE Porter I orter 1 Silcork Taylor Form Rem A Harding Hoyden Williams BELLERIVE FCJ-Form Up Va: mt Adamson Ashton mR Bowker I) Freire Gonlder MeGuinness It Morrison Form Up Vb: mR Doran Henesy A Keel 41 O'Brien Park Phillips l5 Pillers A Shepherd Worthy BELVEDERE SCH GPDST-Form Va: mK Ainsworth mM I Ainsworth Allen Beal Burnett Cowin mA de Beer mA Drinkwater Fletcher A 41 Geekie I) 41 Griffiths Hartley mF Moore mK Spicer CALDER HIGH SCH FOR GIRIS-Form Un Bell Bolton Evans McLean mV Sharpies A Walker Form 1 Rem: mJ Chandler mD Chesters Clarke co*ke mM Edwards A It Guthrie Jefferson mIC Jones Kellani mD Large I-awrenson Mnrtyn Mubny Mnrrav mM Owen A Pone Prosser mM Reddy mA Soul-sby I) Swanson mE Wheeler Yeo Military Correspondent AMESBUHY FRIDAY The village of Tilshead this afternoon fell into the hands of an enemy tank battalion after a clever manoeuvre on the part of Colonel Hobart The lesson set was the handling of mixed tank battalions with one battalion possessing the advantage of fighting over ground previously reconnoitred with the support of antitank weapons Northland and Southland were at war Yesterday their armies were fighting west of Salisbury on the River Nadder The eastern flanks of both armies rested on Salisbury Both sides had tanks The First Northland Army headquarters were at Tilshead and it was the duty of the 2nd Tank Battalion RTO belonging to Southland to raid those headquarters and the supply columns in Tilshead Park and to make a breacli in means of communication Northland was represented by the 2nc Battalion Royal Tank Corps com manded toy Lieut-Colonel Brooine Colonel 2nd Battalion was last night at Downton near Salisbury in order to make his move from Down Ion to the river Avon at Bulforc approximate to war conditions the Avon south of Bulford 4vas held not to he fordable by tanks Moreover both armies were refused a large part of the manoeuvring area near the Bustard as it had been converted into a lake Successful Ruse Jt was not until 1030 this morning that the opposing troops were actively engaged As the fight progressed observers noticed that two companies of force were missing Later Colonel Hobart was discovered sitting in headquarters at Tilshead By a clever ruse lie had swung his main army round on left flank and concealing his movements all the way had S4vept down on the headquarters A feint frontal attack had served its purpose but at great sacrifice It is questionable whether the loss sustained could not hare been greatly minimised The successful pupils Certificate examination Matriculation Board of Universities held in July An against a name indicates that the pupil lias been awarded a matriculation certificate Birkenhead CONVENT FCJ I orm mM Anwyl Atpin Bambc-nrer mlf Brown Duff inK Fardey niM 1 1 a 1 1 i era mP Ilavran Hawkins mM Hurley Johnson Kelly King Lynch McLoughlln Mar' lew I) Masterson Merrick Murphy mK mE Katoliff mM Stredder mM Teare mD Turkington Wall mD Walton mC Ward COUNCn SIX sen FOR Form Un Va: mM Anthony Arnold mE Asquith mB Brownies-- mA Chamberlain Corker mA Emmerson Fisher mil Fleming mT Daunt mP 0 Griffiths ltarvey mS liases II Hotchkiss mE Jones mM Lawther mil I Neil mM Nelson mK Sa ruin-on mM Scott Simpson mM Stanley iriD II Thomas I Thompson mX Williams Williams Williams Form Up Vb: Bottomley Evans Itixlskinson mM Iloltord mE IX Inchboard 1 Lees McKinney llobb mM Itoberts 0 Vickery HIGH SCIL GP Form Up 1 Ariu-trong mM I Beddoes mJ Burgess Carmichael 41 Clark Dean mM Donovan Greaves A llollerhead I) Janues mO A Johnson Keyworth I strut) mB Manning- mS Morton mX Papperovitch liudce mM Scott 1 Simms mF Swadling Thompson Whitmore Wright Form Ir VI Rem: Austin Baker 0 Batho mK Fletcher Fox Leece mR Meek mE Rowland HIGHER TRANMKRK HIGH SCIT FOR Form Up 0 Boyd mK Clark mD Davies Davies mU Evans For ilaw ml) Jameson mK Jenaway mil Lewis mV II Little Male 0 Male Nash mC Scott 1 Shipman mJ Smardon Taylor Williamson mil Wright BIRKENHEAD Form VI: mH Anglcmnn mH Barker mJ Barker mB Benson mE Brewster mA Catheart mL Coglan mD Cutbill Davies mL Evans mT Goodwin mW Hayes ml) Henderson A Jones mH Laver mF II Lilley Lilley May mF Miller mK Miller Rees mK Rice Richards mJ Robinson A I) Rogers mT Seville A A Smith mQ II Weston Form VI a Barlow co*ckbain Conrlon Craig i' Cumonng A Darlington Davies Gaulter Green mW Ince Jackson A Jones mT Jones mil Kellv nil- Kirkland Mackinder A If 1 enlington Reade A Shaw Slinn Is Stelfox mG Tweedie Form Vlb: Andrews Arthur Bird Blair Davies Davies A Francis II McLeod Squires A Wood VVylde 0XT0N KENSINGTON HOUSE SCH-Form VI: Dyer A Edwards mB Cordon-Smith Hunt A I Lister PARK HIGH SCII FOR BOYS-Form Up a -I- Armstrong mE Arthur mV Bethel 5Jr Burn? mG If Carter mC Crozier IT Davie? niE Dean Frost mD Gay Gilloran mW A Ilolburn mS 0 Kentick mR lgan mD McGrath mW Manifold ml Morton mJ II Nelson mT II Owen mE Parry' mR reterson mK Rae mG Rigg mE Smith aEV Taylor Form Up Vb A Belton Bodill Evans mI Jairelough mW II Hod son A Jones It Latham A Llewellyn Morrison mG Moyps Rowlands Stevenson Tlrompson Venables Ward ROCK FERRY HIGH SCII FOR BOYS-Form va mF Ashton mM Audas Baker J- Batcheldor Burges- mil II Cave! nvR Crout mS Davies mP Dove ml! Edge A Ellis mil Guthrie Harvey! I Hji*zelhurst mA Heath mA Irvine mI laming mK McMorine Talk mJ II Pye 3- Kobtnson A Rowan II Shackleton! 5Jv Tube- ml II Walsh mG Ward mD White mT Williams mD Wood Form Vb: y- Vox I Cunningham Gardner w- Hart lloole IE Thelwel! rmson II Mhitehouso "Woodfln BrRKENIIEAD Form Classical mu DrE Beil- I Blae8' Da M- Browse! lIE Cu-aons mE IX mil Deverill Graham A Irving Kearsley E' F- Stewart Form Mod mF Cottrell Gregory Milliken Morgan! A Smith Stark ml' I Taylor mli TO BE ROADS CUCUMBERS STREWN ON By a Naval Correspondent The Admiralty in a circular-letter issued to shipping associations and shipowners of the British mercantile marine announce as already stated the Daily Post their decision to pay no more rewards for the destruction of rtiines at sea For the recovery of valuable dummy mines however the Admiralty will pay £2 for such a mine recovered at two miles or less from the shore and £5 outside this limit Anyone report-a mine washed up on shore will receive 10s The Admiralty inform mariners that all the evidence goes to show that mines laid prior to November 1918 are now innocuous to any ship that may bump them They are safe for ordinary handling but no attempt should be made to open them or remove parts except by a skilled naval rating Cause Of Announcement This announcement by the Admiralty on the harmlessness of mines laid during the war when hundreds of thousands were employed by the belligerents lias been rendered necessary owing to the mysterious loSs with all hands of the steamship Calder on April 17th 1930 while on a voyage from Hamburg to Goole The skipper of the Grimsby trawler Lysancler reported having "sighted a drifting mine in the neighbourhood 4vhere a few floating remnants of the Calder had been sighted This report led to the suggestion that the disaster was due to a mine All British mines are fitted with a mooring-rope safety switch which makes the mine safe 4vhen the pull becomes less than a certain figure German mines on the other hand are fitted with a device which does not withdraw the detonator until the mooring-rope is actually parted These mines are thus more liable to accident because if such a mine broke avvav from its moorings the safety device might not work owing to corrosion A False Impression The number of mines worked active since November 1927 is ten British and no German but this number does not include sand-filled experimental mines nor mines brought in the traxvlers which have recovered them from the sea bed in their travels The number of reports mines is likely to give a impression of the actual explosive-filled mines about for example is likely to be the subject of many reports Along the South Coast reports usually refer to sand-filled experimental mines that have broken adrift Trawlers 4vhich have brought up mines are believed frequently to drop them overboard again Many reports of mines are believed to refer to other objects Of the ten mines washed ashore since 1927 some of which probably rolled along the bottom and so up on to the beach not one was a danger to PROTEST AGAINST TARIFF BARRIERS Prague Friday Cucumbers instead of flowers will be scattered on the roads as a protest against tariff barriers by thousands of peasants who are marching on the provincial capital of Bratislava on Sunday Tho Slovak agricultural workers are dissatisfied with the apathy of the Government a coalition between Socialists and Agrarians The sturdy peasants in their national dress will be conveyed to the capital by 600 waggons escorted by thousands of others on foot and horseback Owing to closed frontiers it has been impossible to dispose of the crop of cucumbers which has been a record one this year so they will be strewn along the roadside and tossed about as satirical -Reuter In his speech Dr Luther opposed the idea that Germany could become an economic self-supporting unit He announced that Germany would not abandon the gold standard and would not arbitrarily reduce interest payments to foreign creditors FORTUNE GERMAN COALITION IMPROBABLE HALF BURIED IN SAND Wood Bootle CATHOLIC GR SCH -Form UV mJ Andertnn mJ Appleton mN A-hall Barnes Brennan Canavan ms Clarke Crane Dagnall Dennett mC Fleming mG Foy Gallagher mJ Glynn Hill mE lawrinson mW McKenna Martin 11 Molyneux mG Morris Orrell It Holier mC Shaeklady mJ Travis II Unsworth mE Webster 1) Wilson COWLEY 01 RES' SCH-Form VL-tnH Sanders Form (Special): mK Baldwin mil Cope ml Coutts A Cntchley mM i rompton Ditehfleld I- Double A 1 Duncan (iambi Hankinson mF 41 Harrison It lnk-ter I) A Jnry mG Jones Ka A Leadbetter McFvoy I) Mustard ml Orfnrd A Perry Pope Service Service 51 Stanley A Webster mE Williams Form Blue n'J Craik VV Cubtron 41 Glover A Grayson mC Merrick I) Mob neux mM Parr 41 Phillips 41 Platt Rodgers mG Itothvvell Taylor 4Vhite niE Woods Form Yellow: 41 Ham son Holt COWLEY II Ogse mA Dickinson mK Evans mA A Hewitt A ltindley rnJ IlindleyniG Jarvis mR Kenny A Lnith waitc mJ Langley mG A Mtehell Phillips mG 1) Present mT Rickman mlt Itobiuscn mL Rowlands mL Shield mF Smart Smith mE Tickle ml Webster mJ Worsiey Form Va mA Vnders ruR Berens mN Bu-heli mA Cooirer m3 Cross mC Elliott mN VV Evans mlt Fenney Fogg 0 Gallon mN Grayson mG Harrison Highco*ck mK larv mD Kermode Lji'rii McMullen mJ Vlar-liall 4 Owen -J Sejiliton mW Shaw Sill- Tallis VV II Taylor Yates Form Vb: A Britton Brown Corrigan II Dean mL Knsnr Glover VV II Green VV Harrison Heaton 1 Heaton A Hilton VV Rigby Roberts A Stanton NOTRE DAME HIGH SCH-Form mE Ainsworth VV Caulfield Dixon mM Dixon Fair hurst mM Fallon mA Gallagher Gardner VV Greer Once Hackett Kceley 51 Leyland A McEllin m1 McLaughlin McLoughlin mF Mercer Molloy Nugent Oldfiel A Oldham Phillips A Pickavance mM Pilkington mM Rotherham Turton Walker Williams SOUTHPORT HIGH SCH FOR Form Up Alpha: II Almond mD Ashton mG A Blaekmore 51 Brcxik VV Cooper mD Elliott I) Grundy mil A Hartley II 51 Isherwood 1) Jameson mB Ix-ighton Marshall mM Marshall 51 'Marshall Mostyn ml' Ram-bottom mD 51 Kieliards mD Scott 1) Sutton mD 51 Wells Form Va: Bertenshaw Crompton mA Derbyshire Evans Finken Graham A McCandles 51 McIntyre Parkinson 51 Itimmer IT A Taylor mM Tyson It Ware mK Whitehead II Whitlock Williamson SOUTHPORT KING GEORGE gCU-Form Up Va Mod: ml! Ball li Benson Bolton 11 Buckley mil A Corcoran mG VV Davies mT Dudley tnH Fitton mL Fletcher mF Gregory Grindrod Hltrhon Jolui-son mlt Jones mC II Knibbs mlt Lucas mlt Maraden mC Marshall 51 Pennell mM Pennell mA Pennington Seddon niJ A Shirm mE Street It IT Westerman Form Up Vb Mod mT Addison IX Allanach Bass mT Bateman Crawley mS Ilesketh mS Hill Ingall Jameson Jefferis A Law 1 Leake A Lewis mJ Lonev Metcalfe II 51 Paisley Pilling Rigby VV Russel 0 Steeples A Stuart raO Whiteley Form Tip Science: mE Bucher A Carver VV Entwi-tle Fletcher II Fluke mil I Jackson Marh VV Proudlove 51 Sheldon Smith Smith Snapc ml! West by TTPIIOLLAND GR SCH-Form V-Boys: m-T Aaliiirst mT Barton mS Bentham II Finch I Leather mF Liptrot VV Matheson Girls: Abbot A Ahali A Ball 51 Clarke Evans Fuliard II Ilaseldon I) A Smith KEN HEAD UPTON HALL CONVENT SCH-Form Bade Danson 51 Devaney mA Gautier INJURED INSTRUCTIONS TO WORKMATES One man was partly buried when several tons of sand fell in a pit in which he and others 4vere working yesterday on the Hall estate near Romford Essex When they heard the earth giving way the men ran hut James Williams (28) of Curtis Mill Green Stapleford Abbots was buried to the waist Although suffering considerably he gare directions to workmates 4vho went to his aid One of his legs had been fractured in two places and he had received other injuries Improvised -plints were used to make him as comfortable as possible pending (he arrival of a doctor REICHSTAG NEARING A VITAL MEETING Berlin Friday Political circles are eenly interested in the negotiations oetween the Nazis and the Centre party which have begun in Stuttgart for the purpose of discussing the possibilities of Government Coalition in the Reich and in Prussia The chances of such a Coalition are considered to be rather gloomy especially as the Catholic Party has jeen greatly shocked by the utterances of leading Nazis and their Press after the verdict of Beuthen Parliamentary circles are convinced that the Reichstag will meet 4vithout a Coalition being able to take over the task of forming a Government which will have a majority to rely on For this reason they expect an immediate dissolution of the Reichstag and the question whether the Cabinet will' order new elections before the prescribed period of sixty days elapses is being widely discussed It is generally admitted that a new Reichstag will look just like the present one with the possibility of the Nazis losing some votes to the German Nationals and the Left Radical parties The Reichstag meets on Tuesday Reuter AMERICAN WOMAN IN MENTAL HOME Lord Hunter in the Edinburgh High Court yesterday appointed Mr John Waterson chartered accountant Edinburgh as curator bonis for Mrs Belle Hervey Harper or Cazzani widow of Allessandro Cazzani at present in Craig House Royal Edinburgh Mental Hospital The petitioner was Mrs only surviving brother Mr Robert Moule Harper an underwriter of Detroit Michigan US He stated that Mrs Cazzani was now in such a mental condition as to he incapable of managing her own affairs She was born in America of American parents Her husband carried on business in Rio de Janeiro and was believed to be an Italian He died in February of last year leaving very considerable means to which Mrs Cazzani succeeded absolutely Value Of The Property For some time after his death Mrs Cazzani lived in England and recently in Scotland under the name of Nobile Donna Bella Harper Vedova Cazzani On August 6th she was certified to be insane So far as kno4vn to the petitioner the property belonging to Mrs Cazzani consisted of £46086 on current account with the Royal Bank of Scotland £9495 found on her person and placed on deposit receipt with the hank personal effects valued at £1393 and £64 in cheque on the Westminster Bank In Scottish law the property of an insane person can be taken are of temporarily or permanently under the charge of a curator bonis strictly responsible to the Court of Session GAS DUSTMAN AND CYLINDER EARLY MORNING SCENE EXPLOSION THAT LED TO DEATH Henry Thomas Pattenden (53) a carman of Keston received injuries from a gas cylinder which exploded on a dustcart He was taken to hospital wher-e he died during an operation At the inquest at Farnborough (Kent) yesterday when a verdict of Death by misadventure 4vas returned Mr Sewell the coroner said Pattenden was employed by the firm that supplied horses for the Bromlev Rural dustcarts He was collecting refuse at Keston when he was asked by a Mrs Beney wife of a doctor to clear away a few cylinders which had been lying about for a long time Pattenden took them away and put them in a pail behind the cart A few minutes later mate who had gone to another house for refuse heard an explosion and on returning to the cart found Pattenden on the ground with an empty cylinder near him Apparently said the coroner he had tried to take a brass cap off the cylinder which contained carbon-dioxide At the hospital it was found he had ruptured a small intestine and died from shock during the operation Dr Beney said the cylinders were collected at his house He was always convinced they were empty it was never his intention that they should hare been given to the dustman" WANTON DAMAGE TO TREES Wallasey CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING COLUMN MeWhor It Mawdsley mK Price mC Ithead mB VVellenbeek A Wright Form Vb: A Glass lb Hurrell II Stanley W1DNES WADE DEACON GR SCH-Form Va: Barber Baron Booth mJ Brennan A Davies Dobson A Fildes II Ford A Hardman rnJ Maddock mJ Patton 0 Pedder II Richards mG Sunni Salomon A Stone A Taylor mS York Form Vb: 0 41 Alty Andorton Bailey I) Berry Bishop mE Bothamley Briggs Burgess Edwardson Edwardson mV Grundy 51 Harding mK Hatties Jeffs 51 Jones Kimberley Sanderson Smith Stable- ml) Tehbntt Wilding Wilkinson mG Wright Form Vc Boys: A Atkin II Davies II Dolan mJ Dutton Gow Harper mM James mR Morris Roberts mil Room Stott Trigg Whitfield Girls: A Barton mM Butter worth Meredith Taylor WIGAN GIRLS' HIGH SCH-Form Va: Bate 41 Dew mA Fair-hurst ml) Fairhurst Fairhurst Fairhurst ntS Gill li 4L Oreenough mS Gresty Hewitt mA Hilton Jerrkinson mD Johnson mS Liptrot mA Marsden I) Mareden I Pect Rollins ltoper 51 Reding mJ opeak Thompson Wilding m4f Ii Wood Form Vb: Blake Bradbum 15 15 Hopkins ml) It I Wilding Winter WIGAN Git Form Transitu mF Acton mE Alker A Barnes mR Bashfortlr Blenkiron niJ Car-on Chapman mR Charnlcy mW Day Eglin mW Gibson mC Glover mJ Green mC Hodge Hogg mN Lancaster mR Latimer mlt Leech Lewis 1 Meadow A Read mC Rhode- tnj Rilev mA Smith mM Taylor niM Wilson Form Tfansitus Armstrong mil Barber II Grundy Johnson It Lane A Leyland Millington Naylor mil A Procter Roberts mD Willgoose Yates Form Tran-i-tus Guorden Guntiffe Edwards Grimshaw Hamoson A Knight Latham A Mawdesley Form Tran-itu- Jarvis Moorby WIGAN NOTRE DAME HIGH Form mA Ainscougli mW Atherton 51 Garev co*ckram Crompton Dickinson Earley 51 Garrick Glover Gotman mM Higgins mK Hodkinson mA Kerfoot Lewis Lowe rydon A Malley mM Mallin mM MeCurdy MeGrail I Middlehnrst mil Millard 5 Moore mK Paikin-on Parson Rose Shaw ml) Smith Stock Town mM 41 Trickett mJ Wilson SUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATES ACT AT COLL FOR GIRTS Form Up Va: Ashall A Askew A Atlier ton 8 Boyars mJ Capper mM Crowther Dexter INxld 0 Gilmore Ginesi Griffiths Hum) Jones Keane Knowles mL Mackay Max Parkin Parry Quayle Rowley Sinclair It Tumarkin Wade Williams Form tip Vb: 41 Briegs 1 Browdess Burgess Davies 41 Gilbart I Gordon 1 Hellberg I A McPherson It Matzeri 41 Mawdsley Neal 41 Pender A Roberts LIVERPOOL COLLEGIATE SCH-Form Tran? mK veins mJ Capev Darrington mT I kletcher ruti Fox mG Furniss mB Gardiner mR 8 Griffiths mJ Hall mN' Hook? 11 Irnundi mA lonp? mF Jones mG King mD A Lee Leslie mC Mnedoiigal mil Neerl mS Newman ndl Robins Thomas Wolley Form Trans Allan A Ball Caird Cochrane 1 Epstein mA 0 Gibb IE Tetliwell lliiglian Hughes Jackson I owe Martin A Walla rd Washbourne A Wilson Form Va: Batstone mF A Bell 44 Bigland mR Carney mE Chadwick A Davies It Douglas mH Gennan Hill Maver New Owens mW A Rilch mG Roberts Russell mJ Stott mR Stuart mH Thompson mF Walker 1 Wilson mM Wolf man Form Va: ml Ansell mR Blundell Codd mJ Crystal Cttlshaw mj Edwards mC Eslick mG A Evans Holmes Jackson It Jones It McGeoeh mK Partridge mG ltannard Ito-mil Waring mO 4Vells Form Vb: 11 Barrington Collins 8 Ellenbogen Hodgson Lamb Lc-lie Lloyd Noble Itandells Roberts Form Sri 5: A A Blaeoe It Brown A Cook mB It Copple II Lee Nevinson mil Seigie Sim A A Taylor Titherley mil Williams Form 5b: 8 Cottier A Farwcll 4IeCombe A Miller HOLLY LODGE HIGH SCH FOR GIRLS -Form UVg: Austin mM Barlow Bent Davies mF Davies Davies It Davis m4l Dening A Hamilton King Lawson Lloyd Martinriale Roberts Sturgeon mV Swift Walls Wright Form UVl: A Bell Fold mA I Boulton mM Eilbeck Haslem Holly A Kirvan Lilley McNair 1 Makin mK A Owen 41 Richardson Robertson 0 Smith 4Vilson mW Wright HOLT SEC SCO Form Up Arts Boys: A Everton Hogg mil Payne It Bp I -by A Smith Tiler mil I Wadsley Girls: mK McKinnon 41 Mould 1 Oates mM 11 Pratt Form Science 1 Boys: mW Brown inS I) Cameron ml) 1 Colley mC Hand mlt A Jenkins mG Quilliam A Roxburgh Bhipton A If Smith Stephens Girls: Harding Oliver Williams Form Sc II Boys: A Axtell Bradley A Little LIVERPOOL INST HIGH SCH FOR BOYS Form RC: Balderson mT Barrow mJ Bone IE Bradley mM Cohen Cohen mW Corlett mA Davison mH Gill Ilawthorii mF Heseltine mT Hopvvood mil IE Ion ml Leather Levy mJ I) Macadam mlt Manhy 41 Mason mF Morris rnJ Robert Sanders mD Smith Stevens William- Form RM: mL A Bray mW Christian Cowley A Dawes mW Foot mli Foreman Griffiths niJ Harrod A I) Howe mW MeCloy It McGowan I Martinez 0 Metcalfe A Moffntt Parsonage II Roberts Temkin' mS Waugh Form It Sc Bceby Harrod ml Jom IE Mtillholland njW II O'Neil 1) Prysor-Jones 4V Pugh Robson IE 0 Woods Form Itx Ashcroft Bourns Cooper mK Graonell Greenwood Hottlgrave I) Hudson IE Hughes mR II Humphries Kynaston mA Lilierman mE A Roberts 11 Sheridan Wyatt LIVERPOOL INST HIGH SCH FOR Form Up mL Abrahams mJ Alergant Braslavsky Burrows mM Collett mil 4 Cresswell Green mK Hanson Harkn-ss mB Hughes mB Mallow- Manna-si rriE Pritchard I) Roberts A Seddon rnC Temkin I EHtley Form Up Vp: 0 Alliert Bradford Brooke Dodd mK Gilden m4I Hogg 41 VV 1 sherwood June- Lee Mofflt Moore Owen mJ Paterson mC Sadovsky mJ Timmis Wares LA SAGESSE CONVENT-Forra Up Cartwright Crosbie Marrion II Stewart NOTRE DAME COLLEGIATE SCIL EVERTON Korin 1 Pa-sett 41 41 Bishop mA Clark mE Cryan Cryan A Curtin mM Duffey Duffy 41 Faulkner Furlong tnT Furlong Gill Eacey mE Lunt II 41 MrElroy A McGoldrick mM McGovern lv MeKeating mE Murphy Nelson I liochford Sullivan mF Walsh Form IV: mF Burd mJ Claikson Croughan 41 Hayes mM Hickey Joyce A Kin sella mT McCarthy mV Morgan Roger- mM Rogers IE Shennan 41 Shepherd mK 41 Smith mA Stack 4' Whyte 41 A Winstanley NOTRE DAME HIGH SCH MOUNT PLEASANT Form A Aeklin mL I Bill mG Black mM Pottomlpy rnC Brereton Clelaud Cole Crellin mF Eccles tnA Growney mC Haskayne 41 Hatch mW Horan tnH Johnson mA Kean Kelly mT Lydiate MeGloin mM Morris A Nugent ml Nugent mM O'Brien mA Ratchford mE Roach mM Ryley mH Walker Yv'alsh mM I Warrington mM Williams Form Lr: Beaumont Blake IE Coleman mM Crellin 41 Dempsey A Diamond 4' Carnett Hennessey Kelly A Logue Moffitt mE Mulloy 41 Murray IE O'Hare A Phillips Powell Row Stanton Additional candidate: Elordieta QUARRY BANK HIGH SCH FOlt BOYS-Form Item Allen Anderson Andrews mA It Beddoe II It Brooks Brundit Bull mC IE ('adman I) Evans llard-enstle mK Hargrove mlt Highffeld Jones mK Mercer mlt IE Outiam mP Paterson mG Ravens II Seddon m1 Siddell mJ IE Taylor Form Item VV A Carter mE Evans Harold mG Eooghlin mW I) Mclican II Pollitt nil) Scott mil Slntnvan Form Item Beddoe VV A Butterfield mil Edwards -I (1 Jones Kesterton Thompson Turner QUEEN MARY HIGH SCII FOlt Form Ip Va: mE Bamford mF Berry mO Conroy mVE I Crosbie Davies I FitzGerald mN Fowler Francis ml liaytiiorntlnvnite VV Hollis Holme Houston mJ James Jones Kiikntan IT Ramsay Skel land Smith Form Up Vb: 41 George Lowe Morris Muttnsey Murdoch Prescott mB Spuidens ST EDMUND'S COLL-Form Up Va: A Axton 41 Brown Ii II C'asford A 41 Conalt I) Doidge mM Graham mV Griffin ml) Holden mL II Howard 11 Kenyon Kcrmode mN Kirbs mN Lcyland mB A O'Hara Pemberton Savage I) Shaw mJ Simpson mM Smith mM Sutherland Swift Swift I) Taylor Woolley mF Yoxon Form Up Vb: Atkinson Goggle Jones 41 Nightingale Plenty Roberts ST EDWARD'S COLLEGE I VER Form UV a Mod: II Beaumont niJ Brickley 1 Byrne arty mI Colley Daly mJ Dairy A Fimien Flanagan mE Gilchrist Giles Hickman mlt Kershaw mil Kieran VV Lawler mD A Lynch mW Mabbs mM McCarney mG McDonald McColdrick McGreal mE McLaughlin mG A Mangan mE O'Brien Oldersliaw mF O'Neill Roberts It Swift mT Walsh Form Up Scia: I Aimmindsen Byrne mT A Campbell 0 Conolly mF Crease VV Doyle mM Ford 0 Mealy Jones Kenny McCartney VV AleVlanu- mS McNally mP McNamara mJ Moloney I) Nolan mS O'Keeffe mJ Roads Rudd VV VVoods Form Alpha: mE Beale mM Beglin Burke m3 Doyle mE It Edwards A 1 Evans Fee Fox Graham mJ llargadon mP Ilealy mW Hollingsworth mK Howell mT Jackson Joyce mil Kearney mW Keenan Kerin II Langley 0 Lomax 1 MacMahun mC Nichols mV Norbury Reid Timmons Form Vb Mod: It Rainier Burke Burke mG A Cannell Clarke mF -I Cook A D'Arcy Devine VV Keane mB MeCourt J- R- Ripley Form Up Sci: mG Burke 41eCurry A Maginnis ST FRANCIS XAVIER'S Form 5a: mJ Aylward mW Cardwell mA Carey mA Devuy niJ 1' Donnelly rnJ Ennitt mE -I Hale mJ Hampton mA VV Hopkins IV Hughes ml Hughes mR A Johns mA Jones rnE Lancaster mJ MrCroiie ml! McGinty Mannion mA Jlullin mJ O'Bovl'e mI Neill mL Poole mT 0 Shtehan mF St redder mW I Styles mA Thompson mB Wallace mJ A Wallace ml! 1 VV allnutt mD Williams mG Williams Woodco*ck Eorm 5b: ml) Brownrigg mM Callanan ml) Cait-wrighf J- Colley mI It Cumming II Davi nil) Denvir Dwyer mH Fenion Hanley Hunt A Kenny Martin mI Molony mJ Moroncy mE VV Murphy mD O'Brien! I A MAN ACCUSED OF THEFT FROM GOLF HOUSE Norman Ferguson (38) no fixed abode was at Southport yesterday committed to Liverpool Quarter Sessions on charges of breaking into Hillside Golf Clubhouse-and the Regent Sports Club Birkdale and stealing from the former a 2d packet of cheese Miss Hannah Baughan stewardess of the Golf Club said that on August 21st she found the kitchen window broken and food missing Frank Venables groundsman at the Regent Sports Club said that on August 20th he discovered a window broken and the door wide open The locks of the store cupboards had been smashed and there were biscuits chocolates cigarettes and mineral water bottles on the table Police-constable Hamer said at 330 am on Sunday August 21st he sa4v accused tampering witli the smokeroom window at the golf clubhouse Witness seized him and accused said I hat'e done it mate I eiva you any trouble I will He also admitted having broken into the Regent Club GRA5IMAR SCH-Form Rem mK Austin mL Bit he! mD Campbell ml) Casliin Cleator mG Crompton mF It Ellis li Evans mE Gixlfrty mE Harrison Hignett rnJ Holmes mN TIornby i Hughes mC McDowell Metcalfe It Nicholson mJ Pettman Reid A lleis-riorf VV Robinson It Slack mT Smith IT Taylor mL Vincent mW Waters if Form Item mJ Baird mG Campbell ml) It Collat'd Duke niJ Heins Pop'iaro It Sharn Smith Stewart i Williams A Wood Form Rem mF Archer VV A Dodd Form Va (A): mJ Addison mA II Aiton Ambrose mE It Barlow mG Brady mJ Bodge A Burr niD VV Doughty mE Forsyth mI Gosling mP A Grieve mC Hardy 1 Hughes mA Jackson mE II Jones mlt Knowles mA 11 Lawson Iearoyd mR Matliison mM Milne mB Oglcy Owens mC VV Parkinson Peers Penley mD Penwill mC Shimrnin mK Slack Vernon mlt Williams IHGH SCH FOR I Form Va: Almore Beer II Birkby Hankinson Heaton VV Irving 51 Jones mM McNeill 51 Mont comery I) Murphy mB Ormrod ml) Roberts 51 St John I) Snrpule 51 Wiison Form Un mE Barker Barlow mM Buckley mR Crooks mM Dinning Dodd mJ Ellis Farrell mE Fiizger-Id 41 Hesketh in 41 Lindop Macara mM Mason Moreton mP Pick-ford I Tankard mG Turner Walker 51 Wightwick CAUGHT IN MIDNIGHT A man who was caught in the act of cutting down roadside trees at midnight hustled into a motor-coach and taken to the police station was sentenced to three hard labour at Chelmsford yesterday He was Alexander Lloyd George Hiscot (22) of Wellesley-road Brentwood Essex and he admitted maliciously damaging sixty trees belonging to the Essex County Council It was explained that these trees were planted by the side of the road at Ingatestone in order to beautify the highway At midnight on July 16th a coach-driver satv him smashing the trees and stopped the coach The driver and conductor surprised Hiscot bundled into the coach and took him to police station The chairman (Alderman Thompson) said that such wanton damage could only be punished by imprisonment VIGIL IN WHEATFIELD SEC SCH FOR BOYS-Form Up Va: mK A Argent A A co*ckayne Dean mJ It Dibble CA0n-nKVJ' Eatonv nlR- Fdwards mA French mA Groom mJ Hadden mE II Henderson mO Hughes mF Kendall mil Lester A 4IacDonald mA Murphy ihE Vjbher mG Wadsworth mA Wilkinson! tJi Williams mH Wright Form Up Vb: Bibb IE Black A Farrar IS It Frost It 1 Heybum Hilton 8 Honwood McCracken Miller Mitchell It Mutch S' Roberts A Runciinan 11 i'uWi-- TbomS' A- A Townsou Whallev Wdkjnson Form Up Vc: Biggs latrirk FC SCII 'HI Form Up mA Adams mM Forrester mE 41 Inkster urii-E' w- Steenmaik Weir Williams Williams CHESTFil CITY AND COUNTY SCH FOR BOYS-jorm Vb: Baiton mE Ileards-'vorlh Bellion Brnster 11 11 Davidson Edwards mJ Figg Fi-her A Gars ton mi Gilbnde tioduaru tjoodman mA Hill A Hobson 4V 1 llodkmson Lightfoot mA Lowe Mins-liull Newport Plant Pount-liey 11 Williams Form Va: mE I) Baker mR Barr Beahon Bell II Booth )nG i Clarkson ml) Clucas 11 Collins mJ 41 Davidson mV Dean mA De Groote mT Ford mE Jones Jones mT Jones mJ Lloyd inR A Minns A Moore mE II Morgan mK 1 4Iotuifield mP Mnlyey 1( pegum mG Priestley (j liubinson Walker Woodward CHESTER CITY AND COUNTY SCII FOR GIRLS I'orm Va: A Cottrell mH 41 Crabb mM Crowther Frankish mM Griltitbs -'I Hardcastle mE 41 llazellirust mE A Jitighes mP Jones mE Large Leach mD Owen mL Price mM Pritchard mM Ryder Sharp mE I Shepherd mM Teasdill Form Vb Bebbington Cooper Dunn mM Frith Handford It Hewitt Longworth mL Maehell I Morton Parry Roberts Smith A Todd CHESTER DEE HOUSE URSUL1NE Form Va: Adams Clarke II Craggs Davies mP Grant Hope 41 A Hoover Kendrick II Lloyd McDonnell Martin mW Oakes ml) Pratt Wayman ml Williams CHESTER THE KING'S SCH-Form Dutton niT Eimerl niJ it Fox mJ Heady Ilughe- A Jones mA Kilner Lee mJ Iipshani mM Nash mil NeaviTson mL Norcott Owen mL Pick-ford ml! Roberts Robinson Vv Rooke mJ Ward COL4VYN BAY I'ENItHOS COLL-Form UpVi: Batty II Briggs Broughton mK A Dowler T) Gee Glover Haighton rkeown I) Mnxted A Newey 1) Williams Williams mB Wimpenny Form Up V2: Vincent Ward COLWYN BAY RYDAL SCH-Form Vb mW A Ballnntyne A Butterwortli Butterwortli Cardwell Carroll Kardley Furnivnl mB Gregory II II Hawking mE Richards mK Roberts Underwood 11 0 0 Wheeler 11 II Williams Form Vk: It Anthony mT II Baker Cooper mR Cooper mF Cryer mE Dawson mA Ellis 1 II Fielden mJ Gofton Hinds mJ Ilorden Jenkin-'on mL Maclaine mC Marris I Povey Robinson Singleton A Smith It Taylor DENBIGH HOWELL'S SCH-Form Up Bourhill nS Borrows 1) Davii1? Hood Latham Mitchell 41 Moore mJ Owen Tkcnipson Vauglian mJ Williams Form UV Domestic: Cornford Flood Swim Form Va mE Ap Thomas- 41 Bark A Corbett-IXiwe rnJ I) Donaldson mM Duce mE Falrburn mM lacksou mil Jager 41 Jones 41 Lake mB Lankshear Lumsden A Mawson mK Murray mN Newman mL Robison mM Rowlands mM RoyalDnwgon 41 Tovne Yates Korin Vb Gee Heard ml) 41 flodder mJ Tone- Kelsall II Mitchell 1 Neville Wrigiit Form 41 Vc ml) Avres Ferguson mM Giiiis'OO 41 Hope mG Trims mE Lewis Mcliand Aliller Mitchell 41 Robertson 41 Thomas Wright Zair DOUGLAS HIGH SCH FOR BOYS (1041)- I orin Va Cain mI Carmel' mA Corns Costain mJ A Cowin mil Crellin mJ mT 11 Gale mH Johnson mL Kellj' mI K'-rruish mJ II Knealp II Kneale mW McVaney inC II Palmer mE Quarrie mJ It Quayle mP sh*tnmin Form Vb 1 Bean It Bridson ink' Callister mil Cooil mW Costain Cowan A Cowell Curphey Dodd mK Irving ml Kennaugh mT Kermeen mH Killip Kinley Kinrade Mylrea A Prideaux mG I) Quayle A Quirk 11 Thornley It Westlake 1 Woodworth DOUGLAS HIGH SCII FOlt GIRLS (IOML-Form Va mB Barlow 41 Bawden mi Belt Cannell Collister CorkhiH A A Corris mM Cowell mM 1) Evans mP Faragker mA Gawne mK Kellv mD Kennaugh mQ () Quirk Teare Form Vb Flanagan Oates Shorrock mM Spencer GREAT CROSBY CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART OF MARY SCH-Form Up V(a): mL Birtwistle A Plundell Fitzsimmons I Green mB Hill Kearney 41 McCann MacDonald McIntyre mM Mercer Miller ml Mnrrav Nestor- mM O'Neill Pendleton Povev Welford Form Up Cb) Comerford Flvnn mM Glover 41 Iloteon 41 Hobson Rippon GREAT CROSBY MERCHANT TAYLORS' GIRLS' SCH-Form Up Vm II A Anderson ni4l I Apuleton mK Backhouse rid) CiiadWick 41 41 Egerton mJ Eves mN A Colliding Gni-on I Hail I) Hughe mD Jones ml) Lamb mil McKay mL Mann I Nchon m3 O'Brien m3 Shearer -I 41 Taylor mN Thomas Tompkins Unswortli F-rm Up Vh 1 David-on A 1 Ellis 8 McCatraher mil Mattock mE Massey Nesbitt Shaw I) Taylor GREAT CROSBY ST MARY'S Form mb Atcheson A Attridge Black Brand I) 41 Buckley Cunningham mJ Downes Dunn mV Flynn m-I Gibb Gilbertfgm mI 11 Kirk mil Llovd A McCarthy McLardy m3 O'Callaghan O'Shaughnes-v mG A Page Patterson mF 1 nor 1 Ih-i-ston mW Roean SI Sharman mS Snntii mJ Wise HAWARDEN THE KNUTSFOItD TEST -SCI (-Form Matric mil It Horsley mM Mt ikin mil Reeves 1 1 ES WALL THE MOUNT SCH-Division IE: fruddah HINDLEY AND ABRAM Form Up Va Boys: Atherton mil Ikuhe 'i' 11 Liptrot mJ Livescy Lomas mR II Lowe mW Miller 1 Morris mB Oliver mG Unsworth Una-worth Un-worth A SVilcoeks Girls: mG A Bennett Eden mM Edgar Cleave ton A Green mK Hardman Hur- have the SEC SCII FOR REPRIEVED GENERAL REMOVED AT DAWN HIGH FOR ACCOUNTING FOR FILM TASTE SCH FOR CONVENT GriflRIi Gwynn FOR EIGHT DAYS AND NIGHTS A bailiff who for eight days and nights had been possession of a field of tvheat at Felstead sleeping under a harvest was yesterday withdrawn from his vigil The field belonged to a farmer who recently appeared at Dunmow County Court in respect of £30 tithe payment and had been advertised for sale by tender The bailiff was put in possession under a distraint warrant His meals were brought to him The farmer estimated 1 De value of the wheat seized at about £80 and yesterday it was announced that the crop had been sold by tender It is understood that a tender of £10 the only one received was accepted and that after the expenses of distraint have been met about a guinea will remain for the tithe owner What sort of pictures do you like best asked Colonel Meily the chairman at the Liverpool Court yesterday of an eight-year-old hoy Cowboy pictures was the reply Colonel Melly You get many of those nowadays do you What do you like next best Racing on horseback sir Are you Irish Yes sir Colonel Melly Ah That accounts for it SANJ UR JO CONVEYED TO A PENAL SETTLEMENT Madrid Friday General Jose San-jurjo whose sentence was commuted last night from death to life imprisonment was hurried out of the city in a motor-car at dawn this morning The strictest secrecy was maintained concerning his destination in order to avoid demonstrations on the way hut it has been revealed that the destination is the Dueso penal settlement near Santander Meanwhile though Captain Justo San-jurgo the son has been acquitted lie remains at the disposition of the police and his official licence as a stock broker on the Barcelona Exchange lias been withdrawn This Press is unanimous in favourable comment on the reprie7e of the general El Sol praising the Socialist Ministers for resisting the appeals of hundreds of workers 4vho demanded the death says the events of yesterday proved a most conclusive triumph for the Reuter TO BE SHIPPING COMPANY WOUND UP 4 The following are among the been awarded Supplementary subjects indicated BIRKENHEAD COUNCIL Bumstcad (Latin) BIRKENHEAD HIGHER TRANMERE SCH FOR 51 Heaney (German) Qun'lp (German) CHESTER CITY AND COUNTY SCH 4Varburton (Talin) CHESTER CITY AND COUNTY F) Bell (latin) CHESTER DEE HOUSE URSULINE Scott (Latin) CHESTER THE KING'S SCII-G (1 atin) DENBIGH HOWELL'S SCII-M (Greek) () It Gwynn (Greek) LIVERPOOL A VALE HIGH SCH-D II Fell (Latin) Needs (Additional Mathematics-Chemistry) 51 Noden (laitini 51 Sclioliick (LafinK Slade (Latin) Smith (51echanics) LIVERPOOL ALSOP HIGH SCT1 FOR Barnes (Latin) Lake (Igrtin) Richardson (Latin) 11 Senar (Latin) LIVERPOOL BEVEDERE SCII CPDST-L VV Smith (Latin) LIVERPOOL COLLEGIATE SCII-E Darrieotte (Latin) 15 Dudley (latin) LIVERPOOL HOLT SEC SCII-W II Finch (Latin) LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE HIGH SCH FOR 51 Kirkwood (Latin) Muskett (German) Shenderey (Igrtirr) Wilkin-on (Latin) LIVERPOOL NOTRE DAME COLLEGIATE SCIL EVERTON l-'aulkner English Literature) LIVERPOOL NOTRE DAME HIGH SCH MOUNT PLEASANT 51 Woods (French: Botany LIVERPOOL ST EDMUND'S Dutton (Physics-with -Chemistry) SOUTHPORT HIGH SCH FOR GIItLS-D Parry and Warwick (Latin) WALLASEY GR Smith (Latin) WALLASEY OLDER SHAW SCH FOR BOYS-L James (Latin) Junes (Latin) 51ae-pherson (La ini and If Sharpe (Latin) WALLASEY OLDEliSHAW SCH FOlt GIKIJ3-Patricia McLaughlin (Latin) and Joyce Martin (English literature with composition) WARRINGTON SEC Marjorie Hall (geography) WEST KIRBY THE COUNTY HIGH SCH FOR VV Perdoe (Latin) and Richter (Latin) WIGAN HIGH SCH-F BuUough (mechanics) 51 Hampson physios-with-ehemist ry) Isherwood tmeehanies) and Leather (mechanics) EXTERNAL CANDIDATES ATRICt RATION CERTI F1CATE8 First Division Campbell and A Smith Second Helen Bruce it Ilev Markham Marshall I 1 A Mnrgitroyd A Potter Singleton Cecilia 51 Smith It Thomas Toward Turnbull It Wright ate Supplementary Certificates Winifred Bolton (mathematics) Fleming (mathematics) Griffith (history) Mary A (English literature) Kathleen Miller (chemistry) Parkinson (Latin) Rimmer (Latin) and Margaret Yates (English literature) MAKI8 STELLA HIGH SUM NEW BRIGHTON Form Va: Cospy mD co*ckhain Cfi'bcpk I'Veney It Hannaway Ryan mM Smith Stevenson 51 Thomnson A Town Williams OLDERSHAW SCH FOR BOYS-Form Vx I) Adams Arlett Austin mW Bentley mH Blnore 11 Bowman mil Burr Cories J- Derwent Dixon mS Dugdale Edmond Haynes mJ Jack It Jenkins mJ JenniriKs li Jones rnW Kerr Lester Mather II 'n(' Morris Smith Stocks mK Ttirner It tVeb-ter Form Vy mT II Birkett Bnlmer A Gresmiy mC I) Hmrhes A Loekett McDonnell mT Parkin Itamsden mA Rodgers Schaivi A Whittinghain OLDERSriAW SCH FOR GIRLS -Form Up Va: m( Beeby Broeklehank Brownlow 51 Biir-lem rnE Cook Dalryrnple mA Evans it Gallimore mC Grierson mil Johnson IJ Johnston Jones mE King Lathotn 1 Roberts Rosser 51 Stockton 4V 51 Stringer 41 Tipping 41 Walker iriJ rnW Williams Form Un Vb: A Clarke Cooper Grant Holgate Lewis Masterson Phillingham 1 Stott Vaughan Wheeler Form VI 41 Hivey WARRINGTON SEC SCH-Form 5a Boys: inR Rate i Hi by mH Coates Dell mA Farrar mil Hewitt A Jcnks mJ Kindon A Wrench mE 51 Benion Jackson 1 Kilburn Leonard mE Lord rnE Marshall 41 Miller Osborne A Reid Richardson ml Throup ml) Whitlow Form 5 Sr Boys: mA Cox It Smith mJ Stanworth A Swan mA Veale Webb Girls 51 Barton 1 Booth White WATERLOO PARK SCH FOR Form Up Barnett mA Brown 41 Cole-mull mE Corbridge A Currie It Gro-sart mW Headon mM Helsby rnE Ilook Slelnne March Phipps rnC Russell ml) Rutherford mD Sawle Shaw I S'der mG li Thornton ml) Vincent mA Webster WEST KIRBY CALDAY GRANGE GR SCH-Form Up Va: mG Audus mlt Crawford mW bunran A Fisher mK Fowles mC Fox 0 Freeman mE Hampson iriJ Hudson A Moir Osterfield Quirk mG SninKkm mN 4 'I'i me well Unsworth mJ A Vernon m3 Young I or I Vb: 0 Campbell Harron mA lfolden Hurrell rnJ Jacob- A Jones Miller Noel mJ Pritchard mK Radford 41 Roy It Soley 11 Weedall it Williams Wright mL Young Form Up Vc: mK Barnett mP Bell mlt Carrington Gash mJ Cox mA Exton mJ Harrison mH Haygarth mlt Hesketh mG 51 Jones A McGhio mK A VV Morris mD Roberts nil) I Scott WEST KIRBY THE COUNTY HIGH SCH FOR Form Va: mA Burton Cain mM i 1 1 mB Crofts mE CrowUei II Dure mL Dudley A Gittins li Haslam mW A Jones mM 51 Kirby mD McFartane mil BID FOR BLACK SEA TRADE Odessa Friday Russia is making a big push to modernise its Black Sea Amsterdam Friday At an extraordinary general meeting of the Holland-South Africa Line to-day it was unanimously decided that the company should he wound up The chairman announced however that the South African Lino should he continued by the United Dutch Shipping Companies Reuter more 4'essels to be put into tankers each being added between the of Europe mercantile marine each of 3000 tons service next month of 10000 tons are They will make voyages Black Sea and the ports Reuter Four are Two also FIRST WARNED OFFENDERS 4 FRANCO GERMAN TALK IN BERLIN ALL-NIGHT HUNT FOR CAR BANDITS 4 Essex police are searching Epplng Forest for two men who after an encounter with a policeman by the roadside last night abandoned a motorcar in which they were and escaped into the forest The men drove the car against the policeman who was on a motor-cycle and forced him off The search was still in progress this morning Informed during a theft charge against two youths at Chester yesterday that they remarked in the police station We will only he hound over as it is our first the chairman Mr Denson uttered a warning against treating offences lightly I am he said the time is coming when binding over will not take place and then we shall have to send some of these youths to prison as an example to Berlin Friday Herr Papen (Chancellor) and General von Schleicher (Defence Minister) to-day received a prominent French politician Lribourg member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French Chamber It is understood that problems affecting Branco-German relations especially claim to military equaltiy were discussed Reuter CONTINUED IN NEXT C0LU5IN.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.