MLB® The Show™ - Community Stats - April 2022 (2024)


Singles 292,225,530

Doubles 131,005,932

Home Runs 209,959,823

Strikeouts Looking 4,003,497

Pitches 4,594,459,081

Strikeouts Swinging 152,126,949

Total Swings 2,818,000,881

Triples 15,987,330

Double Plays 38,031,670

  • Runs Per Game Mode – Offline
  • Runs Per Game Mode – Online
  • Exit Velocity By Hit Type – Offline
  • Exit Velocity By Hit Type – Online
  • Exit Velocity By Hit Timing – Offline
  • Exit Velocity By Hit Timing – Online
  • Perfect Perfect by Hit Type – Offline
  • Perfect Perfect by Hit Type – Online
  • Offline Hitting Stats
  • Online Hitting Stats
  • Game Mode Beginner Dynamic Amateur Minors Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend Combined
    Postseason 12.05 4.29 9.12 6.36 5.05 4.53 4.45 4.36 3.51 6.58
    Play-Now Live 17.36 5.37 11.1 7.58 6.98 5.79 5.13 4.73 4.01 7.22
    DD Play vs CPU 34.8 9.5 0.0 12.0 8.39 5.66 4.94 3.57 1.69 7.99
    MTO 3.95 2.15 3.07 2.66 2.49 1.97 1.74 1.66 1.81 2.52
    Franchise 7.72 3.33 6.52 4.72 4.06 3.51 3.18 3.12 2.78 4.5
    RTTS 2.0 0.3 0.76 0.93 0.77 0.59 0.51 0.44 0.48 1.26
    Play Now 22.77 7.19 14.19 10.16 9.2 7.65 6.68 6.49 4.42 11.03
    DD Moment 0.7 0.5 0.67 1.25 0.36 0.3 0.25 0.67 0.08 0.33
    DD Showdown 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.75 1.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.81
  • Game Mode Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend Combined
    DD Play vs Friends 12.95 8.77 7.29 5.97 5.09 8.66
    Play Now 8.77 7.27 6.21 4.35 3.22 6.78
    DD Casual 6.79 5.75 4.49 3.57 2.6 5.88
    Custom Leagues 9.22 8.27 6.78 5.49 3.99 7.99
    Co-op 16.38 14.47 11.96 8.86 6.59 13.93
    DD Co-op 0.0 0.0 10.57 0.0 0.0 10.57
    DD Ranked Seasons 5.64 6.56 6.28 6.81 6.71 6.39
    DD Battle Royale 0.0 0.0 3.32 0.0 0.0 3.32
  • Hit Type Beginner Dynamic Amateur Minors Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend
    Bunt 27 MPH 28 MPH 27 MPH 26 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH
    Chopper 57 MPH 56 MPH 59 MPH 59 MPH 57 MPH 57 MPH 57 MPH 57 MPH 57 MPH
    Corkscrew 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH
    Dribbler 28 MPH 27 MPH 29 MPH 28 MPH 27 MPH 27 MPH 27 MPH 27 MPH 27 MPH
    Easy Grounder 75 MPH 74 MPH 78 MPH 77 MPH 76 MPH 76 MPH 76 MPH 76 MPH 75 MPH
    Hard Grounder 98 MPH 89 MPH 94 MPH 93 MPH 92 MPH 92 MPH 92 MPH 91 MPH 91 MPH
    High Flyball 87 MPH 75 MPH 82 MPH 81 MPH 78 MPH 78 MPH 78 MPH 77 MPH 76 MPH
    Line Drive 105 MPH 92 MPH 98 MPH 99 MPH 95 MPH 95 MPH 94 MPH 93 MPH 94 MPH
    Medium Flyball 101 MPH 85 MPH 93 MPH 92 MPH 88 MPH 88 MPH 87 MPH 86 MPH 86 MPH
    Pop-up Backward 64 MPH 63 MPH 68 MPH 68 MPH 65 MPH 65 MPH 65 MPH 64 MPH 64 MPH
    Pop-up Forward 66 MPH 63 MPH 68 MPH 67 MPH 65 MPH 65 MPH 65 MPH 64 MPH 64 MPH
  • Hit Type Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend
    Bunt 30 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH
    Chopper 56 MPH 56 MPH 57 MPH 58 MPH 58 MPH
    Corkscrew 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH 47 MPH
    Dribbler 26 MPH 26 MPH 27 MPH 28 MPH 28 MPH
    Easy Grounder 75 MPH 75 MPH 77 MPH 77 MPH 76 MPH
    Hard Grounder 90 MPH 90 MPH 91 MPH 92 MPH 91 MPH
    High Flyball 75 MPH 75 MPH 77 MPH 77 MPH 76 MPH
    Line Drive 93 MPH 91 MPH 93 MPH 93 MPH 92 MPH
    Medium Flyball 85 MPH 84 MPH 86 MPH 86 MPH 85 MPH
    Pop-up Backward 62 MPH 62 MPH 64 MPH 64 MPH 63 MPH
    Pop-up Forward 62 MPH 61 MPH 63 MPH 63 MPH 63 MPH
  • Swing Timing Beginner Dynamic Amateur Minors Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend
    Bunt 27 MPH 28 MPH 27 MPH 26 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH
    Early 99 MPH 75 MPH 84 MPH 84 MPH 78 MPH 76 MPH 75 MPH 74 MPH 74 MPH
    Good 100 MPH 87 MPH 94 MPH 94 MPH 91 MPH 90 MPH 89 MPH 88 MPH 87 MPH
    Just Early 103 MPH 82 MPH 91 MPH 91 MPH 86 MPH 84 MPH 83 MPH 81 MPH 81 MPH
    Just Late 86 MPH 79 MPH 84 MPH 85 MPH 83 MPH 81 MPH 80 MPH 79 MPH 78 MPH
    Late 77 MPH 71 MPH 75 MPH 75 MPH 74 MPH 73 MPH 72 MPH 72 MPH 71 MPH
    Perfect 110 MPH 107 MPH 108 MPH 108 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH
    Too Early 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH 53 MPH
    Too Late 50 MPH 51 MPH 52 MPH 51 MPH 51 MPH 51 MPH 52 MPH 52 MPH 52 MPH
    Very Early 91 MPH 68 MPH 75 MPH 75 MPH 68 MPH 66 MPH 67 MPH 67 MPH 68 MPH
    Very Late 67 MPH 66 MPH 68 MPH 68 MPH 68 MPH 68 MPH 67 MPH 67 MPH 67 MPH
  • Swing Timing Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend
    Bunt 30 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH 31 MPH
    Early 71 MPH 70 MPH 72 MPH 70 MPH 70 MPH
    Good 87 MPH 86 MPH 88 MPH 87 MPH 85 MPH
    Just Early 79 MPH 77 MPH 79 MPH 77 MPH 75 MPH
    Just Late 79 MPH 78 MPH 79 MPH 78 MPH 76 MPH
    Late 71 MPH 70 MPH 71 MPH 71 MPH 70 MPH
    Perfect 106 MPH 106 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH 107 MPH
    Very Early 62 MPH 60 MPH 62 MPH 61 MPH 63 MPH
    Very Late 66 MPH 65 MPH 66 MPH 66 MPH 66 MPH
  • Hit Type Beginner Amateur Minors Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend Total Perfect-Perfect Pct of All PP
    Chopper 5,219 425 573 1,394 1,397 491 120 23 11,926 0.0%
    Dribbler 2,109 158 188 531 564 189 40 11 4,680 0.0%
    Flyball 13,304,157 414,781 474,912 5,602,707 4,047,617 951,574 160,417 34,802 26,344,205 22.0%
    Grounder 2,601,712 236,352 263,317 4,246,632 3,040,279 761,258 134,176 26,430 12,257,234 10.3%
    Line Drive 46,023,792 1,056,276 1,607,525 16,742,817 9,697,693 1,954,188 314,645 72,410 80,849,034 67.7%
    Pop-up Forward 8,125 619 793 2,039 2,247 731 209 35 18,296 0.0%
    Total 61,945,128 1,708,611 2,347,308 26,596,120 16,789,797 3,668,431 609,607 133,711 119,485,389 100.0%
  • Hit Type Rookie Veteran All-Star HOF Legend Total Perfect-Perfect Pct of All PP
    Flyball 270,365 576,492 2,211,085 60,242 6,951 3,159,764 28.0%
    Grounder 268,180 541,566 1,859,028 59,532 7,864 2,773,513 24.5%
    Line Drive 689,035 1,169,775 3,374,817 84,609 11,309 5,366,085 47.5%
    Total 1,227,580 2,287,833 7,444,930 204,383 26,124 11,299,389 100.0%
  • Beginner Amateur Minors Rookie Veteran All-Star Hall of Fame Legend Combined
    Overall Batting
    .648 .417 .437 .392 .351 .319 .289 .267 .444
    Batting Average
    .922 .889 .898 .867 .862 .869 .862 .867 .898
    Batting Average
    .705 .591 .605 .571 .553 .542 .535 .545 .609
    Good-Okay Up
    Batting Average
    .178 .171 .173 .175 .165 .156 .163 .174 .170
    Batting Average
    .143 .138 .136 .147 .134 .125 .128 .137 .139
    Singles as a
    Percentage of Hits
    17.2% 18.7% 19.0% 19.7% 18.2% 16.9% 15.7% 14.0% 18.3%
    Doubles as a
    Percentage of Hits
    13.2% 8.0% 9.6% 8.0% 7.1% 6.2% 5.5% 4.8% 9.0%
    Triples as a
    Percentage of hits
    1.6% 0.9% 1.3% 1.0% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 1.1%
    Home Runs as a
    Percentage of hits
    31.5% 13.5% 13.0% 10.0% 8.5% 7.5% 6.2% 5.7% 15.3%
    Perfect-Perfect as a
    Percentage of At Bats
    19.8% 6.4% 7.4% 6.7% 5.4% 4.4% 3.9% 3.6% 9.6%
    as a Percentage of
    Plate Appearances
    4.0% 7.5% 5.9% 5.4% 8.5% 11.2% 16.0% 22.1% 6.5%
  • Rookie Veteran All-Star Hall of Fame Legend Combined
    Overall Batting
    .334 .284 .279 .242 .180 .283
    Batting Average
    .847 .849 .866 .858 .851 .860
    Batting Average
    .556 .535 .542 .535 .540 .541
    Good-Okay Up
    Batting Average
    .215 .183 .155 .154 .183 .166
    Batting Average
    .183 .145 .117 .113 .151 .130
    Singles as a
    Percentage of Hits
    18.2% 16.3% 15.1% 13.6% 10.4% 15.5%
    Doubles as a
    Percentage of Hits
    6.5% 5.3% 5.0% 4.0% 3.1% 5.1%
    Triples as a
    Percentage of hits
    1.8% 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.7% 0.9%
    Home Runs as a
    Percentage of hits
    6.6% 5.5% 6.7% 5.8% 3.6% 6.4%
    Perfect-Perfect as a
    Percentage of At Bats
    5.2% 3.7% 3.2% 2.5% 1.6% 3.4%
    as a Percentage of
    Plate Appearances
    11.0% 14.2% 16.9% 23.9% 42.7% 16.2%
MLB® The Show™ - Community Stats - April 2022 (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 5818

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.