Reach the Stars, Explore the Void REBOOT : A Stellaris-inspired quest of research and exploration Original (2024)

Since there were a lot of plans proposed, each with few votes, it is time for a lighting round with the most popular options, with a preview of the consequences of each plan !
Also, to understand some of the information given for each plan, Influence is the resource used to influence politics and decisions, while Unity is the resource used to impact the wider culture and traditions of the civilization during the game.

[] Plan We are bonded to the Others, and i do not recognize my own reflection anymore.
-[X][Others] 1 CP for 2 Others.
-[X][Catalog] Damaged [+1 CP]
-[X][Government] High Command [-1 CP]
-[X][Government] The Tamers [-1 CP]
-[X][Xenomorphing] Red Waters [+1 CP]
-[X][QoL] A Good life [-1 CP]
-[X][Remnants] The Silver Survivors [Free]
-[X][Education] To each according to their abilities [+1 CP]
-[X] Lands for the Others [-1 CP]
--[X] Academy of Xenonaturalism [-1 CP]
-[X] Rise of the Ranchers [-1 CP]
-[X][Others] Memory Worms
-[X][Others] Marsh Lights
-[X][Others] Singularities
-[X][Others] Titans
-[X][Others] Prisms Forests
-[X][Others] Dreamlands
Axis :

  • Authoritarian (+High Command) vs Libertarian (+ Tamers) : Neutral Axis
  • Militarism (++Default,++ High Command) vs Pacifism : ++++ Militarism, Highly Militarist
  • Egalitarianism (++ High Command) vs Elitism (++ To each according to their abilities) : Neutral Axis
  • Cooperative (++ A Good life) vs Competitive : ++ Cooperative, Cooperative
  • Materialism (+ Academy of Xenonaturalism) vs Spiritualism (++ Tamers) : +Spiritualism, Slight Spiritualism
  • Xenophile (+Tamers, + Lands for the Others, ++ Academy of Xenonaturalism, + Rise of the Ranchers ) vs Xenophobe : +++++ Xenophile, Fanatically Xenophile
  • Ecocentrism (+ Lands for the Others) vs Industrialism : +Ecocentrism, Slighty Ecocentrism

Final Ethics : Cooperative, Militarism, Fantically Xenophile
Ethics + choices unlock Perks :

  • Seeker of the Odd : This civilization holds a near-religious for the odd, the strange and the unknown, considering finding and understanding what is Others one of the most praise-worthy endeavors. Explorations actions favored, bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for Anomalous Life-related actions, easier research and unlocking of anomalous technologies
  • Defender of Life : This civilization considers all lifeforms as inherently worthy of respect, and will seek to ensure that every living being can live in harmony. With violence, if necessary. Bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for researches and projects helping harmonious coexistence between life forms, and helping defend endangered life forms. The civilization will be inherently hostile to Xenophobe, Xenocidal and Fanatically Industrialism Civilizations
  • Popular Struggle : This civilization considers all ills, from famine to ignorance, as foes to be battled and defeated. Existence is a total war of the people united against the ills of today for a better tomorrow. Unlock Popular Mobilization and Total War option. Unlock Extreme Violence options.

Strategy against the Catalog unlock Strike Teams Doctrine : A doctrine based on distracting the enemy before inserting an human team with Other's assistance in their weak points.
In this plan, most of Humanity lives in great cities along the coast, solidly fortified against potential Builders attack and with enough water filtration infrastructures to provide daily drinking rations to the people. Those cities are in a symbiotic relationship with the semi-nomadic Ranchers, exchanging manufactured goods and drinkable water for Other's derived materials.
Humanity still inhabits only a small portion of Earth, the Silvers Cities and Enclosures are quarantined and most of the water is contaminated, turning vast spans of the world in near-desert. As such, most of the world is divided between the 5 Others zone, where the Titans rest in their lairs and Prism Forests levitate over sand.
Most of the humans are divided between city states and Ranchers clans, and are mostly united by the respect they give the Tamers, under the 5 Titanic Orders, each lead by one of the Five Voices skilled enough to speak with the Titans, and by the principle of the Great Struggle, of the eternal war against the Catalog, the Builders, against the lack of Water, to make life better.
The principle of the Great Struggle is fundamental to the High Command, the hard power side of global human governance compared to the soft power (and Other's help) of the Tamers. Each communities, from the anarchist city of Scotland to the Imperial Clans of Northern Asia, send its young to the High Command for military service, and ressources to supply it, and in exchange the High Command eliminate Builders, construct and maintain water purification systems, and in general perform the duties expected of a global government.
Slowly, the efforts of the Tamers, High Command and Peoples of Earth are bearing fruits in the great struggle. Thank to the work of the Academy of Xenonaturalism, new life is spreading in the desert, sheltered by Dreamlands, and the Great Railways have been finished, its great locomotives powered by Prism-concentrated light and made of Singularities-derived materials travels through Dreamlands-rails, making it so every cities on Earth is less than 6 hours away from one another. Through the use of Marsh Lights, even waste has become virtually nonexistent.
Each year, the filtration systems become more efficient, more prism-derived lightlances remplace the militia old gunpowder guns, and the food rations more varied. Soon, the Great Struggle will be won on Earth.
But the Catalog still roams. The Great Struggle is not over because one battle has been won…

AKA : Militarized city states and nomad monsters tamers united to meet new lifes, protect all existences, and eliminate all lacks ! With a lots, and I mean a lots of violence.

[] Of Synthesis, Born
-[X][Others] Marsh Lights
-[X][Others] Singularities
-[X][Others] Angled Wolves
-[X][Others] Composites Fields
-[X][Catalog] Damaged (+1 CP)
-[X][Government] Institute for Adaptation [-1 CP]
-[X][QoL] A Good life [-1 CP]
-[X][Education] To each according to their abilities [+1 CP]
-[X] Institute of Builder's Studies [-1 CP]
-[X] Write-In Plan: Artificial Demigod - It was a stupid plan. Incredibly so. It was remarked that one would need the power of a god to reach and destroy the Catalog. It was a joke! Nonetheless, it worked. The amount of mass a Composite Field would absorb was metered out, and into it floated a pair of Singularities, a small pack of Angled Wolves, a small swarm of Marsh Lights, and the rest was a group of volunteers, carrying a number of recovered Builder artifacts. What came out was... Beyond description. Still, the result was of incredible power, and still knew and understood the plan. From the peak of the Cone Enclosure, they departed. In a streak of warped space, dimensional nonsense, and baleful light, they flew up and into the Catalog. Nearly half the Catalog crumbed and faded under the Demigod's power, gravitic shear magnified by entropic decay. The Demigod did eventually fall, but they had fulfilled the plan. The Catalog fled, limping, from Earth.
Axis :

  • Authoritarian (+Institute for Adaptation) vs Libertarian : + Authoritarian, Slight Authoritarian
  • Militarism(++ Default) vs Pacifism : ++ Militarism, Militarist
  • Egalitarianism vs Elitism (++ To each according to their abilities) : ++ Elitism, Elitist
  • Cooperative (++ A Good life, + Institute for Adaptation) vs Competitive : +++ Cooperative, Cooperative
  • Materialism (++ Institute for Adaptation) vs Spiritualism : ++ Materialism, Materialist
  • Xenophile vs Xenophobe : Neutral Axis
  • Ecocentrism (+Institute for Adaptation) vs Industrialism : Neutral Axis

Final Ethics : Cooperative, Elitism, Materialism
Ethics + choices unlock Perks :

  • Ensured Prosperity : This civilization considers ensuring long-term prosperity and material comfort of the people one of the most important pursuits possible, and will not hinder this prosperity in the name of arguments like "easier", "more profitable" and "good enough for now" . Bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for technologies allowing durable increase to the people's prosperity. Civilization will by default not pursue actions causing immediate or long-term degradation of the people's livelihood.
  • Security through Power : This civilization, marked by its history, considers the best way to be safe from invaders is to hold an insurmountable power advantage against potential foes. Bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for superweapons. Civilization will seek to build and hold superweapons.
  • Principles of Adaptation and Integration : Conflicts are inevitable, but destruction is not. An efficient, prosperous structure is one where every element can be understood, and integrated to the wider structure with limited issues. For such integration, adaptation is necessary, both from the structure and the integrated. Bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for helping understanding and integrating new entities to the Civilization. Bonus to technologies allowing victories with minimal destruction and to retro engineering. The Civilization adapts to new circ*mstances and seeks to integrate new beings.

Strategy against the Catalog unlock Superweapon Doctrine : Victory comes from developing and using efficiently overwhelming power, in one way or another.
Safety and Prosperity.
Those are the principles of the Institute for Adaptation, as Earth slowly rebuild under its guidance.
No wild expansion, but well-ordered development, each Habitation Zone build to be safe, to have enough lodging for all, and stable water and food supply from purification plant and greenhouses.
No great restoration of old Earth, but a slow stabilization of the current situation, and careful reintroduction of selected plants and animals, to undo over centuries the damages of the Invasion.
No great purge of the remnants of the Catalog and the silver cities, but methodical studies, decoding of the languages, analysis of materials and structures.
No great allowances or restrictions to the Others, but calm stewardship, the Composite Fields helping to create new, unique machineries, the Singularities living in freedom near the great fusion cores powering Earth, their nature helping the function of the hermetic reactors, Marsh Lights helping to degrade waste, and the Angled Wolves doing all the duties of good dogs, pets and guards and shepherds.

Already, all can see the fruits of those principles, in their fusion-powered lights and railways, in the fresh newspapers, in ustensiles of chromed metal (not silvery, never silvery) that should need remplacement in a few centuries.
Of course, as proved by the Demigods, even as we honor the beings, humans and Others, that sacrificed themselves for this dangerous, but successful plan, Safety also comes from the barrel of a gun. So beyond the prosperous cities, in hidden laboratories, scientists toil in the making of new weapons. After all, when rational discourse is refused, one sometimes must use the Last Arguments.

AKA : Rationalist society seeks to ensure a good life for their people, and to make everything "their people". Also they really like technologies and superweapons.

[] Victorian Pokemon
-[X] Others
--[X] Angled Wolves (obviously) <---
--[X] Smoke-Sharks
--[X] Fire Birds
--[X] Thanato-parasites
-[X] The Plan: In the waning days of the invasion, a desperate plan was hatched. The last remnants of the armed forces of the Old World surveyed charts and interviewed half-mad scientists within their shadowy bunkers and manors, under the shadow cast by the Invader's aethereal bastion. Tsarist generals brushed elbows with hollow eyed Enclosure Delvers from Egypt and Yankee engineers, each of their gazes aimed at the immeasurably powerful and
alien artifice orbiting their wounded world.
-[X][Catalog] Damaged (+1 CP)
-[X] Government
--[X] [Government] Council of Nations
-[X] Programs and Post-Invasion Earth
--[X] [Education] To each according to their abilities [+1 CP]
--[X] History, preserved [-1 CP]
--[X] Old Earth Sanctuaries [-1 CP]
--[X] Project Restoration [-1 CP]
--[X] Rise of the Ranchers [-1 CP]
--[X] [Xenomorphing] The Great Cleaning [-1 CP]
Axis :

  • Authoritarian vs Libertarian (+Council of Nations) : + Libertarian, Slight Libertarian
  • Militarism(++ Default) vs Pacifism (+ Council of Nations) : + Militarism, Slight Militarist
  • Egalitarianism vs Elitism (++ To each according to their abilities) : ++ Elitism, Elitist
  • Cooperative vs Competitive (+ Council of Nations) : + Competitive, Slight Competitive
  • Materialism vs Spiritualism : Neutral Axis
  • Xenophile (+ Rise of the Ranchers) vs Xenophobe (+Old Earth Sanctuaries,+Project Restoration) : + Xenophobe, Slight Xenophobe
  • Ecocentrism (+Old Earth Sanctuaries,++Project Restoration, + The Great Cleaning) vs Industrialism (+ Council of Nations) : ++ + Ecocentrism, Ecocentrism

Final Ethics : Ecocentrism, Elitism
Ethics + choices unlock Perks :

  • Council of Nations : This civilization is, in many ways, not truly unified, but a loose federations of nations states, each with their own strenghts and interests .Unlock National Interests, providing alternate source of support and way to obtain resources. The Civilization may integrate weaker alien states as new member of the Council.
  • Ecoconservation : This civilization holds a great respect to nature, and will thrive to preserve or restore natural wonders, and learn from them. Bonus to Influence and Unity rewards for preserving and restoring natural wonders. Easier unlocking of natural wonder's related and terraforming technologies.
  • Respect of the Ancestors : Our societies all build upon respect of history, of our ancestors' deeds.From them, we learn how to act. Unlock history's related projects, bonus to archeology. Unlock the Memories.

Strategy against the Catalog unlock Boarding Doctrine : To win, one must carry their force to the soft bellies of their foes, and strike in force, not trap themselves in an unsigltly exchange of fire.
Through labors, Earth has been restored to what it once was, and even betered ?
Again, the gentles can enjoy parties, hunts and the pleasure of the Season, and even the unfortunate can earn a lifestyle appropriate to their stations. The great cities of the world have been rebuilt, the air cleaned, beasts and plants reintroduced to the wilds, and the faithfull can pray again before the relics and holy places of the Lord. Truly, even if there are still scars of the Catalog's Invasion, and this wretched being still await its judgment among the stars, we have restored the glorious society of our ancestors before the Invasion !

Of course, a few...small mistakes of our ancestors were corrected. After all, we would not want to waste carefully restored countryside with factories run-off, such a sight is far more precious than earning a few pennies more ! By the same principle, we would not want to waste our restored societies with unseemly conflicts, or allow mere matters of colors and genders to deprive the gentle from all the rights and duties of their station ?

Truly, life is good under the New Councils, and even if we must tolerate the boorishness of the Ranchers, at least we can thank them for breeding the Angled Wolves and Smoke Sharks for our hunts and for our armies ! And of course, the Fire Birds, that allow us to have steam engines without needing to burn, produce smoke and cover our land with unseemly dust, such wonderful beings, they barely need to be restrained despite their...fiery bodies !

Hmmm ? What about the Thanato...My good fellow, the proper term is Memory. From them, we learned how to twist and steal the wicked tools of the Catalogs. From them, we can still hear the wisdom of our ancestors.

AKA : 19th century IN SPACE, with less racism and sexism, but just as much elitism ! Also countryside farms were ranchers and gentry raise monsters, an obsession with the past and ecological conservation, and totally-not-undead councilors.

Reach the Stars, Explore the Void REBOOT : A Stellaris-inspired quest of research and exploration Original (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.