The Greatest Of All Time is Steffi Graf and NOT Serena Williams (2024)

Dear Forumers,

Tennis is one of the few sports that I have watched or taken any interest in. The French Open tennis championship is going on, and this reminds me of the question of who is the "GOAT" of women's tennis. The Greatest Of All Time.

A lot of commentators, presenters and media people seem to make the assumption that it is Serena Williams. But clearly Steffi Graf is the greatest.

Serena won 23 Grand Slam singles titles, Steffi won 22. But Serena retired when she was a whole decade older than Steffi was when she finished playing. Serena finally quit following the unedifying and desperate spectacle of her trying and failing to break the all-time record. Serena clearly assumed that she was entitled to that record.

Only Steffi has done the Golden Slam. All four Grand Slam singles titles in a calendar year, plus Olympic Gold. She knew when the time was right to step away from tennis. She could have carried on, and as a token gesture gone past Margaret Court's total of 24 Grand Slam singles titles, which was set in a very different era. But Steffi has dignity and class

Veronika Oleksychenko

The Greatest Of All Time is Steffi Graf and NOT Serena Williams (2024)
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