The NYSE and Nasdaq: How They Work (2024)

Whenever someone talks about the stock market, what usually comes to mind is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Nasdaq. There’s no debating why. These two exchanges collectively account for the bulk of stock trading in North America and internationally.

The NYSE and the Nasdaq differ in their operations and the types of equities they list. Knowing these differences will help you to better understand the function of a stock exchange and the mechanics behind buying and selling stocks.

Key Takeaways

  • The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), located in New York, N.Y., is the oldest American exchange still in existence and the largest equities-based exchange in the world based on the total market capitalization of its listed securities.
  • The Nasdaq is a global electronic marketplace for trading securities and where many of the world’s technology giants—including Apple and Google—are listed.
  • The NYSE is an auction market that uses specialists (designated market makers), while the Nasdaq is a dealer market with many market makers in competition with one another.
  • Today, the NYSE is part of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), and the Nasdaq is part of the publicly traded company, Nasdaq, Inc.
  • Both exchanges were privately held until going public in the 2000s.

Location, Location, Location

Nowadays, given the ubiquity of online trading, the location of a stock exchange refers not so much to its street address as to where its orders are transacted. While the NYSE still retains a physical trading floor on Wall Street inNew York City, a significant portion of trade flows through its data center in Mahwah, N.J.

The Nasdaq, on the other hand, operates electronically and does not have aphysical trading floor. Trading takes place directly between investors, seeking to buy or sell, and market makers (whose role we discuss below). Market participants connect to a centralized exchange infrastructure to trade.

Dealer vs. Auction Market

The fundamental difference between the NYSE and the Nasdaq is how trades are transacted between buyers and sellers. At the NYSE, at market open and close, the auction method is how NYSE stock prices are set. Market participants transact trades directly with each other. At the Nasdaq, market participants transact trades through dealers.

From open to close at the NYSE, there's continuous trading. Before the market’s official opening at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time (ET), market participants can enter buy and sell orders starting at 6:30 a.m. ET. These orders are matched, with the highest bidding price paired with the lowest asking price. Orders for the closing auction are accepted until 3:50 p.m. ET, and orders can be canceled up until 3:58 p.m. ET.

Market Maker vs. Designated Market Maker

The Nasdaq and the NYSE both use market makers to improve liquidity and maintain a fair and orderly market. However, there are differences in how these professionals function at each exchange.

At the Nasdaq, market makers maintain inventories of stock to buy and sell from their accounts in transactions with individual customers and other dealers. Market makers give two-sided quotes, meaning that they state the bid and ask prices for a security in which they are making a market.

More than 500 market-making firms provide liquidity for Nasdaq-listed stocks. Although it isn't required for trading to occur, this competition helps ensure that buyers and sellers are getting the best prices.

At the NYSE, the job of maintaining markets falls to designated market makers (DMMs), formerly known as specialists. DMMs have more duties than traditional market makers. They are the human point of contact for the listed company on the NYSE trading floor.

DMMs provide stability by taking the other side of the trade when imbalances occur, buying when investors are selling, and vice versa. They run the opening and closing auctions, using human input and algorithms to help promote price discovery when the volume is typically at its highest. According to the NYSE, DMMs provided 17% of liquidity in NYSE trading in 2019 (latest information).

Perception and Cost of NYSE and Nasdaq

The NYSE and the Nasdaq have different images among companies and investors. Whether a stock trades on the Nasdaq or the NYSE is not necessarily a determining factor for investors. It is, however, for companies that care about how each exchange is perceived.

The Nasdaq is known for technology and innovation and is home to digital, biotechnology, and other companies at the cutting edge. As such, stocks listed on the Nasdaq are considered growth-oriented and more volatile. In contrast, companies that list on the NYSE are perceived as more stable and well-established. The NYSE draws blue chips and industrials, some of which have been in business for generations.

However, these perceptions may not be as relevant today as they were in the past. Many corporate giants are listed on the Nasdaq. Think Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon, and Intel. And the NYSE has drawn newer tech companies, like Uber and Snapchat, in recent years.

The NYSE is also changing the way companies can access capital and offering the option of direct listings, which differ from initial public offerings (IPO) by allowing companies to sell existing shares to the public directly without underwriters—a less expensive option than an IPO. Both Warby Parker and Spotify went public through direct listings on the NYSE.

Nasdaq's vs. NYSE Listing Requirements

The Nasdaq and the NYSE have listing standards catering to companies of varying sizes and financial health. While the NYSE is often associated with more established companies because of its higher financial thresholds, the Nasdaq is known for being more accessible to younger, higher-growth companies. Let's compare some aspects of these exchanges' standards for listing:

Audit committee: Both the NYSE and Nasdaq require listed companies to have an audit committee consisting entirely of independent directors. This committee oversees the company's financial reporting processes and the independence of its external auditors.

Board composition: The NYSE mandates that a majority of a company's board of directors be independent. Likewise, the Nasdaq requires that independent directors make up most of the board or at least one-third for companies listed in its Capital Market. The Nasdaq also has newer rules for board diversity in place.

Code of conduct: The NYSE requires listed companies to adopt and disclose a code of business conduct. The Nasdaq has a similar requirement, mandating that companies have a code of conduct applicable to all directors, officers, and employees.

Corporate Governance: Standards for these are crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and protection of shareholder rights. Both exchanges have set forth guidelines to promote good governance, with standards changing in response to movements for greater environment and social responsibility in the corporate world.

Profitability and earnings: The NYSE requires companies to show profitability, with one of its standards demanding aggregate pretax earnings of at least $10 million over the last three fiscal years. The Nasdaq also has profitability requirements in some of its rules, but it provides alternative paths that do not necessarily require profitability to accommodate startups and growth-oriented companies. For the Nasdaq, the company must have total pretax earnings of at least $11 million in the prior three years or at least $2.2 million in the previous two years, and no singleyear in the prior three years can have a net loss. Both the NYSE and Nasdaq have additional standards for capitalization with cash flow, assets with equity, and related matters.

Shareholder protection: Both exchanges have rules requiring shareholder approval for certain corporate actions, such as equity compensation plans. These rules are designed to protect the interests of shareholders and ensure that they have a say in significant corporate decisions.

The Nasdaq and the NYSE were private companies until their shares became publicly available in 2002 and 2006.


History of the Nasdaq

The Nasdaq is a global electronic marketplace for buying and trading securities—the first in the world, in fact. Headquartered in New York, Nasdaq OMX operates 18 markets—primarily equities but also including options, fixed income, derivatives, and commodities. It also runs one clearinghouse and five central securities depositories in the United States and Europe. Its cutting-edge trading technology is used by over 130 organizations in over 50 countries.

The Nasdaq was founded in 1971 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which was then known as the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). In 2000, the NASD began a restructuring process and sold shares in the electronic exchange to its members. Those shares began trading on the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Bulletin Board in 2002 under the symbol NDAQ.

On Feb. 9, 2005, the Nasdaq began trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market following a secondary offering of shares. NASD fully divested itself of Nasdaq ownership in 2006. The following year, Nasdaq became fully operational as an independent registered national securities exchange.

Meanwhile, regulatory functions of the NASD and NYSE Regulation combined to form FINRA, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) overseeing the newly formed regulator.

History of the NYSE

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), located in the city of New York, is the oldest American exchange still in existence and the largest equities-based exchange in the world based on the total market capitalization of its listed securities.

The NYSE was founded on May 17, 1792, when 24 stockbrokers gathered at 68 Wall St. to create what later became known as the Buttonwood Agreement, after the tree under which the pact was signed. In the beginning, there were just five securities. The first company to list on the NYSE was the Bank of New York.

For more than 200 years, the NYSE operated as a member-owned nonprofit corporation. It went public under the symbol NYX on March 8, 2006, following its merger with Archipelago Holdings.

In 2007, the NYSE merged with Euronext, the largest stock exchange in Europe, to form NYSE Euronext. This company was acquired in 2013 by Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE), the current parent company of the NYSE.

Can You Buy on NYSE and Sell on Nasdaq?

If a stock is dually listed on the NYSE and Nasdaq, it can be bought on one and sold on the other. If not dually listed, the transaction must be completed on the exchange listed.

Is NYSE More Prestigious Than Nasdaq?

For many investors, the NYSE carries more prestige because of its history, traditional trading floor operations, and stock offerings. For others, prestige is irrelevant. The NYSE is the world's largest stock exchange and is known for listing stocks of well-known, established companies. The Nasdaq trails closely as the world's second-largest stock exchange but lists less-stable growth stocks and stocks of tech giants.

Why Move From Nasdaq to NYSE?

Companies may move from Nasdaq to NYSE for many reasons, including involuntary ones. For instance, the exchange may request the move if membership criteria are breached. Companies may choose to move to be associated with the NYSE's prestige and/or be associated with the established companies on the exchange. The NYSE may also offer features and benefits that the Nasdaq does not. For example, the NYSE provides a physical auction, whereas Nasdaq is completely electronic.

The Bottom Line

Though the NYSE and the Nasdaq are the biggest equities markets in the world, these exchanges are by no means the same. While their differences may not affect your stock picks, your understanding of how these exchanges work will give you some insight into how trades are executed and how a market functions.

The NYSE and Nasdaq: How They Work (2024)


How is Nasdaq and NYSE different? ›

The NYSE is an auction market, where investors buy and sell to each other through an auction. The Nasdaq is a dealer market, meaning participants trade through a dealer. Cost. The Nasdaq has lower listing fees than the NYSE, ranging from $55,000 to $80,000 for its lowest Capital Market tier.

What is Nasdaq and how does it work? ›

NASDAQ is the world's second-largest stock exchange by total securities value. To be listed on the NASDAQ National Market (NASDAQ-NM), companies must meet specific financial criteria. They must maintain a stock price of at least $1 and the value of outstanding stocks must total at least $1.1 million.

How does the NYSE work? ›

The NYSE is a stock exchange where the equity shares of public companies are bought and sold. The NYSE uses an auction-based system in which brokers auction shares of stock for the highest price they can get, either on a physical trading floor or an electronic system.

Can a stock be traded on both NYSE and Nasdaq? ›

Key Takeaways. A company can list its shares on more than one exchange, which is referred to as dual-listing. In order to be listed, a stock must meet all of the exchange's listing requirements and pay for all associated fees.

Is Apple on NYSE or Nasdaq? ›

What exchange does Apple stock trade on? Apple stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol AAPL.

Is it better to be listed on Nasdaq or NYSE? ›

The Nasdaq is known for technology and innovation and is home to digital, biotechnology, and other companies at the cutting edge. As such, stocks listed on the Nasdaq are considered growth-oriented and more volatile. In contrast, companies that list on the NYSE are perceived as more stable and well-established.

What are the 3 major stock exchanges in the US? ›

The 3 major stock exchanges in the US

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the Nasdaq Stock Market, and the Chicago Stock Exchange are the three largest stock exchanges in the United States. Each of these exchanges has its distinct features and selling aspects that set it apart from the others.

Why would a company move from Nasdaq to NYSE? ›

Gains in visibility and liquidity associated with a move to NYSE reduce the firm's cost of capital. Consequently, firms are more likely to move to NYSE when they are raising external financing or engaging in acquisition activity.

What is Nasdaq for beginners? ›

What Is the Nasdaq? Nasdaq is a global electronic marketplace for buying and selling securities. Its name was originally an acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations.

What is the $1 rule on the NYSE? ›

For example, on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), if a security's price closed below $1.00 for 30 consecutive trading days, that exchange would initiate the delisting process. Furthermore, the major exchanges also impose requirements related to market capitalization, minimum shareholders' equity, and revenue outputs.

What is the NYSE in simple terms? ›

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is a stock exchange located in New York City that is the largest equities-based exchange in the world, based on the total market capitalization of its listed securities.

What happens when a stock falls below $1 on the NYSE? ›

Major stock exchanges actually delist shares once they fall below specific price values. The New York Stock exchange (NYSE), for instance, will remove stocks if the share price remains below one dollar for 30 consecutive days.

What happens when stock moves from NYSE to Nasdaq? ›

Data shows that once a stock has switched from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to Nasdaq, the amount of shares on the best price improve, spreads contract, and volatility improves.

Why do we have 2 stock exchanges? ›

It's obviously done to make sure that the large amount of transactions occur smoothly and effectively, the more the merrier but it is very complex and takes lots of efforts to keep opening one stock exchange after another which is why there are only two stock exchanges currently.

How to invest in NYSE and Nasdaq? ›

Exchange-traded funds

You are eligible to trade ETFs if you have a Demat account with any brokerage house. Many ETFs provide access to NASDAQ and various other important international indices. You can use a domestic or international broker and an Indian ETF of a worldwide index to purchase US ETFs.

What is the difference between NYSE and Nasdaq and Dow Jones? ›

While the Nasdaq is also a stock exchange, the Dow is purely a stock market index. The Dow does include stocks on both the NYSE as well as the Nasdaq, whereas any Nasdaq indexes will include only stocks listed on Nasdaq exchanges.

What is the difference between NYSE S&P 500 and Nasdaq? ›

The Nasdaq indexes, associated with the Nasdaq exchange, focus more heavily on tech and other stocks. The S&P 500, with 500 large U.S. companies, offers a more comprehensive market view, weighted by market capitalization. Other indexes, like the Wilshire 5000 and Russell 2000, cover broader market segments.

Why change from Nasdaq to NYSE? ›

Gains in visibility and liquidity associated with a move to NYSE reduce the firm's cost of capital. Consequently, firms are more likely to move to NYSE when they are raising external financing or engaging in acquisition activity.

Is S&P 500 NYSE or Nasdaq? ›

S&P 500
S&P 500 Index from 1970 to 2023
FoundationMarch 4, 1957
OperatorS&P Dow Jones Indices
ExchangesNYSE Nasdaq Cboe BZX Exchange
Trading symbol^GSPC $SPX SPX .SPX .INX
6 more rows

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