What is an example of an emotional gap in behavioral finance? (2025)

What is an example of an emotional gap in behavioral finance?

These factors, known as the emotional gap, can cause investors to make irrational decisions based on their emotions rather than focus on hard facts and professional advice. For example, an investor's desire to "get rich quick" can cause them to make risky investments for a promise of fast returns.

(Video) Overreaction (explained in a minute) - Behavioural Finance
(Sanlam Investments)
What is emotional bias in behavioral finance?

Emotional biases include loss aversion, overconfidence, self-control, status quo, endowment, and regret aversion. Understanding and detecting biases is the first step in overcoming the effect of biases on financial decisions.

(Video) Behavioral finance: how emotions influence financial decision-making
(Wise Altai)
What is the behavioral finance gap?

The difference between the returns earned by investors holding a given index versus the returns earned by investors who move their money around in an emotional response to market movements is called the “Behavioral Finance Gap.” Figure 1.2 demonstrates this concept.

(Video) CFA® Level I Portfolio Management - Behavioural Finance: Loss Aversion Bias (Emotional Bias)
What is an example scenario of behavioral finance?

What Is an Example of a Finding in Behavioral Finance? Investors are found to systematically hold on to losing investments far too long than rational expectations would predict, and they also sell winners too early.

(Video) Behavioral Finance - Emotions that Drive Our Financial Decisions
(Justin Goodbread)
What does emotional gap mean?

An interpersonal empathy gap can occur when we fail to consider how other people may be affected by their emotions. 2. If we are in a cold state, and our friend does something while angry, we may believe that their behavior is ridiculous and unwarranted because we are not empathizing with the power of their emotions.

(Video) Why psychology matters in investing
(The Finance Toolbox)
What is an example of an emotional decision?

For example, when a person feels grateful that an organization or a person, in particular, has helped them through a specific situation, they may use emotion to make a decision. These types of decisions could be to donate money or other resources to the organization or person that helped them in some way.

(Video) What is Emotional Intelligence?
(The School of Life)
Which describes an emotional bias?

Emotional bias, which describes human's asymmetric processing of emotional stimuli, consists of negativity bias (Increased response to negative over positive stimuli) and positivity offset (the reversed phenomenon).

(Video) Is Your Behavior Affecting Your Portfolio? | Behavioral Finance Explained
(A Wiser Retirement™)
How does emotional bias affect investment decisions?

Loss aversion bias is the tendency to feel more pain from losses than pleasure from gains. This emotional bias can significantly impact investment decisions, causing investors to hold onto losing positions for too long or sell winning positions too early, resulting in minimal returns.

(Video) How economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson
What are emotional biases most likely to do?

Emotional bias pushes us to make impulsive decisions and judgments that are not premised upon facts, evidence, logic, or research.

(Video) Duncan explains Anchoring Bias and Emotional Gap mistakes in finance.
(Gossip Finance)
What is the Behaviour gap summary?

The behavior gap refers to the gap between investment returns and investor returns. Due to fear, greed, and irrationally, most people buy and sell at the wrong times and lose money. The best investment strategy is often the simplest investment strategy.

(Video) Behavioural Finance with Greg Davies
(CNBC Africa)

What are the problems with behavioral finance?

Behavioral finance asserts that rather than being rational and calculating, people often make financial decisions based on emotions and cognitive biases. For instance, investors often hold losing positions rather than feel the pain associated with taking a loss.

(Video) Investing behavior gap - real world example (Sikes Capital)
(Tommy Sikes)
What is an example of self attribution bias in behavioral finance?

Some examples of self-attribution bias in trading include taking excessive credit for wins, blaming external factors for losses, behaving overly confidently, ignoring past mistakes.

What is an example of an emotional gap in behavioral finance? (2025)
What is a real-world example of behavioral finance?

There are a lot of real-world examples supporting behavioral finance theory. For instance, when the U.S. stock market recorded its biggest one-day percentage drop during the Black Monday crisis in October 1987. Robert Shiller, a renowned economist, found it was due to investors' expectations of an impending crash.

What is behavioural finance in simple words?

Behavioral finance is the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of investors or financial analysts. It also includes the subsequent effects on the markets. It focuses on the fact that investors are not always rational, have limits to their self-control, and are influenced by their own biases.

What role do emotions play in financial decision making?

Emotions are the driving force behind many of our decisions, especially those related to money. It's crucial to recognise that our financial choices are not always purely rational; they are often tinged with feelings of fear, joy, anxiety, and optimism.

How do you fill an emotional gap?

Now, let's talk about 7 steps to fill that emotional void.
  1. Confess. Begin by admitting to yourself (and to people that care) that you have an emotional void.
  2. Describe. ...
  3. Identify the distractions. ...
  4. Discover the origins. ...
  5. Share. ...
  6. Heal & fill the void. ...
  7. Additional tips.
Jun 17, 2015

What is an example of an empathy gap?

Intrapersonal prospective empathy gap.

The smoker feeling relaxed after a cigarette and predicting it will be easy to quit the day after is a good example. Or feeling extremely sad and upset when grieving someone, and not being able to imagine that we will ever be able to feel joy again.

What are cognitive errors and emotional biases?

Cognitive errors tend to be much easier to ameliorate through coaching and education, while emotional biases are often deeply rooted and more difficult to correct. Cognitive: Biases that arise due to a lack of information or information processing ability.

What is an example of an emotional experience that can influence a financial decision?

Emotional Decision-Making: People often make financial decisions based on how they feel rather than on objective analysis. For instance, an individual might sell stocks during a market downturn out of fear, even if holding onto them might be the more rational choice in the long run.

What emotional decision means?

A totally emotional decision is very fast in comparison to a rational decision. This is reactive (and largely subconscious) and can be useful when faced with immediate danger, or in decisions of minimal significance. Some studies suggest an emotional insistence to respect the life of another human being.

What are the emotional factors affecting decision-making?

Emotions significantly impact decision making. Fear, joy, sadness, and anger can all influence the choices we make. Sometimes, emotions can cloud rational judgment, leading to decisions we might regret later. On the other hand, positive emotions can enhance creativity and lead to more innovative choices.

What are the 4 behavioral biases?

Here, we describe these four behavioral biases and provide some practical advice for how to avoid making these mistakes.
  • Overconfidence. ...
  • Regret. ...
  • Limited Attention Span. ...
  • Chasing Trends.
Jun 30, 2023

What are the 10 behavioral biases?

Second, we list the top 10 behavioral biases in project management: (1) strategic misrepresentation, (2) optimism bias, (3) uniqueness bias, (4) the planning fallacy, (5) overconfidence bias, (6) hindsight bias, (7) availability bias, (8) the base rate fallacy, (9) anchoring, and (10) escalation of commitment.

What is negative emotional bias?

The negativity bias is a cognitive bias that results in adverse events having a more significant impact on our psychological state than positive events. Negativity bias occurs even when adverse events and positive events are of the same magnitude, meaning we feel negative events more intensely.

What are emotional factors in investment?

Fear is an emotional response to perceived risk or uncertainty and is often associated with negative outcomes. In the context of investing, fear can cause individuals to become risk-averse and avoid investments that they perceive to be high-risk, even if they offer the potential for high returns.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated: 01/14/2025

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.